bookguyinva2022's reviews
627 reviews

Pureza em Miami by Vicki Hendricks

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Did not finish book.
It's a DNF for me, and I had high hopes from the reviews and comments.
The Club Dumas by Arturo PĂ©rez-Reverte

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Did not finish book.
I can't finish it, 100 pages and it's not grabbing me. So much technical jargon and not enough story. Sorry, I really wanted to like this.
Death Retires by Cate Lawley

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Cate Lawley is my go to author when I need to break up serious (thrillers, mysteries, historical fiction) books and take a break. This book was perfect, fun storyline, wacky characters, crazy situations. Now to figure out why my brain decided that Hector should have James Early Jones' voice. Also, if anyone ever wants to kidnap me, that method would be foolproof.
Caribbean Rim by Randy Wayne White

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This was the audiobook version. I reserved this a long time ago and forgot, so it was a surprise when I got the email saying it was ready. Even worse, I had decided to read the book version when I saw the wait time. It's an interesting story, treasure, rich guy vs the natives, damsel sort of in distress. I have to say I enjoyed reading it more than listening, not so sure I would have picked this narrator, his voice interpretation was off.
The Edible Exile by Carl Hiaasen

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As always Carl Hiaasen has come through. I hadn't noticed it was a short story and yet it had everything I've come to expect from him
Peaches and Scream by Susan Furlong-Bolliger, Susan Furlong

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That was fun and everything a cozy mystery should be. But be WILL get hungry.
A Stranger on the Beach by Michele Campbell

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Need a twisty, a bit disturbing tale? Grab this book by the horns and enjoy the wild ride.