brannonkrkhuang's reviews
465 reviews

The Last Quarter of the Moon by Chi Zijian

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You, whoever you are, need to read it.
Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout

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Really solid start that takes a look at all sorts of broken humanness and human brokenness and personal tragedy and then in the last three chapters it’s like, “I just don’t trust Muslims,” and, “Here’s a love story where the man is a homophobe who hates his only child for being a lesbian.” 

Not the most compelling or interesting ending.
The Accidental Tourist by Anne Tyler

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I gave up on this book, then suddenly wanted to know how it ended very badly, so re-borrowed it from the library, listened through the final five hours, and was a bit let down by it all. A great opening, as usual, but at a certain point it devolves into dog training and the same sorts of unwilling travel sequences and the whole bit with the wife at the end was crazy. Like, what was bro thinking?
My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
It’s a great book, and I completely see the appeal, but it’s not for me sadly. I apologize
The Sea, the Sea by Iris Murdoch

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It’s impossible for a book to get more five star than this. I felt everything. I was there for everything. Life, huh. Damn. It’s like that. It’s funny and you be stupid and then you get saddened by a sudden click of reality.
Castle in the Air by Diana Wynne Jones

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 51%.
Was highly motivated to read Howl’s Moving Castle because of the film, because of Sophie and Howl - thought this would be more of Howl and Sophie. Alas, it’s a whole separate story, which is very cute and good, but my motivation isn’t there to keep reading it, so I’ll stop now.
Red Star Over the Third World by Vijay Prashad

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This is a pretty decent little book :)
Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert

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Did not finish book.
Watching 2une made me want to read this and see what came next but now I’m thinking I’ll just wait for the movie ✌🏻
My Struggle, Book Five by Karl Ove Knausgård

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This is one of the best books in the series - astoundingly engaging and unbearably full of Karl Ove doing just the most classic Karl Ove bullshit. Don’t miss it (or do!)
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

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Read this after seeing Ghibli’s movie and I really feel that this book amplifies the movie in a powerful way - I also like some of the decisions the movie made more than the book. They complement each other well.