bronteberry's reviews
982 reviews

Done and Dusted by Lyla Sage

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Ok. If you're going to write in first person POV (especially if it's dual POV), you need to be a REALLY GOOD writer and this is not that. "but Kelsey, it's just a fun romance, it doesn't need to have good writing." Guess what folks, you can have both. Also, were these people 17 or 27? I could not tell.  Why did he keep calling her sugar? Why were the descriptions of things so awkward? "I rolled into my Wranglers and Carhartt jacket " People don't talk like that! Also depth of personality? Couldn't find it for ANY of the characters. And apparently ADHD/PTSD/panic attacks can just be solved not by therapy, but by a hot cowboy. Come. On. Very upset I wasted $2.99+tax on this. 
The Curse of Penryth Hall by Jess Armstrong

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.