brynnandunaway's reviews
297 reviews

Shadow Princess by Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti

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This book HURT ME and maybe it hurt me a little too much. Tory is so stubborn it pains me but that doesn’t me I don’t love her also. I am completely invested in the ZA series and the last two chapters of this book literally broke me so now I have to go goodbye
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

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3.5⭐️ rounding up! This is a GOOD depiction of a healthy relationship between two people who genuinely enjoy each other’s company and communicate about their problems.
The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon

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I LOVED the transcribed podcast element of this book but I did not love the relationship. A little too wishy washy to me. Like a LOT of resistance from our MC toward the relationship and then TOTAL acceptance then back to 100% not happening again. Does that make sense? Lol. But LOVED the master’s degree jokes seriously laughed out loud at those
Sea of Ruin by Pam Godwin

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3.5 only because this story was sooooo LONG. But also VERY action packed and WOW the steam
The Project by Courtney Summers

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~3.75! Enjoyed and was highly entertained by this story. Was a little thrown off by Lo and her attitude/mindset/desires??? Also not the most satisfying ending for me personally.