caitsliteraryadventures's reviews
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Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano

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You are special. You are meant to survive, to go on and do great things.

Florida ~ bell skirt lady
(Page 67)

Dear Edward

There can’t be information about you-that is true- that you don’t already know. Your life takes place in your skin. No one else knows a goddamn thing, and the internet is full of cowboys and sad people making stuff up.

John ~ Edward’s uncle
(Page 110)

Dear Edward

There is no reason for what happened to you. Eddie, you could have died. You just didn’t It was dumb luck. Nobody chose you for anything. Which means, truly, that you can do anything

Madame Victory
(Page 293)

Dear Edward

Final thoughts about the book;

I started Dear Edward thinking this book was going to be so so sad. And it actually wasn’t. But there were parts that were obviously sad. I mean this 12 year old had just lost everything. His parents, his brother, his home. Everything. He had the go in living life dealing with the death of those closest to him. And moving in with his aunt and uncle who can’t have any babies of their own. So he has to deal with their separate personal emotions. And on top of all that he feels like a burden in everyone’s lives. His aunt and uncle didn’t ask for him to move in with them. They didn’t ask to have all this attention on them. But they had it — All of that alone should have put him down, and it didn’t. And the letters, People asking him to live his life in the memories of those who lost loved one in the plane crash - I felt that was so unfair and so much pressure to put on someone. I mean there were 183 other people on the plane. That’s 183 other lives people are asking one boy to live. That’s a lot. But I feel Edward does them justice by just living his best life with Shay. I think it was super admirable of Edward to give the 7 million he got from Jax (marks brother) back to those who suffered and weren’t compensated by the airlines. I loved that he didn’t want anyone to trace it back to him. A true definition of pay it forward. He helped so many people move on. Make better versions of themselves so maybe they could go on and live their lives in the memories of their loved ones. Can you imagine all the families & friends of those who lost their lives in the crash living for their loved ones? They’d be living so many great and wonderful lives. I especially loved how his aunt and uncle stepped up and made an effort to get through this tragedy as a unit. As a family. In the end they seem like they’re able to be a family. Not your typical mother, father kind of family, but a family that can talk and relate and connect together. I did think at one point the relationship between shay & Edward was going to fizzle out. I was happy to know that they are going to college together & that Edward is in love with her. And wants to create a future with her. It’s amazing that after everything he’s been through he still wants to move forward. If it had been me I would have given up before the paramedics even got to the scene.

This book thought me to push through. No matter how hard. Just like Florida says — “You are meant to survive. To go on and do great things.” And I believe that. But I also believe what madame Victoria says “nobody chooses you for anything, so truly you can do whatever you want.” Find your own path but whatever you do, don’t stop pushing forward.

Euphoria by Lily King

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I gave this book 5 stars because it really took me to the places they were studying. I felt like I had gone back in time and I was on the boat and I was going to Tam Island. This book made me want to be an anthropologist! I wanted to meet Nell and go adventuring with her! I'd recommend this book to ANYONE who is looking to take a journey back in time. Imagine yourself on the boat, about to go out and study new things. Experience the world in a new way. I think if I had read this book in 2015 maybe I would have gone back to school, and I could have studied anthropology! I will definitely be reading this book again!