caitsliteraryadventures's reviews
107 reviews

Never Look Back by Mary Burton

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I really liked this book. There was a lot of twists and turns. It was pretty predictable, but it also kept my interest. It kind of reminded me of a hallmark movie but with serial killers and intense drama every now and then.
Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate

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I was seriously not prepared for this book! It was fantastic! The challenges these kids went through, being ripped away from your family, having your siblings taken away from you. Watching other kids get tormented, molested, & beaten. Wondering ‘is that going to be me?’ Never seeing your parents again. I can’t fathom it.

The events that took place in this book were so wild it was hard for me to grasp that Georgia Tann is a real person and she really did these kinds of things to children. She was aware of the things she was doing but she was driven by money. She stole over 5,000 children. She had 22 children’s homes. Of those 5,000 children only TWO were returned to their birth parents. Children were given new names, new backgrounds, and sometimes even new religions. Tann was a bad bad lady.

The Foss kids- I feel SO BAD for them. First their stolen off their boat. The one sister tries to get away, then the little brother- Gabion is adopted & one of the sisters Lark- is also adopted. That leaves Rill, Camilla, Fern.

Camilla; she isn’t like the others. She’s got brown hair and brown eyes. She is the trouble maker of the bunch and I should have known she would have been the one to get the closet and never be seen again, but I was sort of hoping that she would have at least been adopted by some nice people. But Mrs, Tann had other ideas.

Rill & Fern; it was down to these two & rill got in trouble so she was locked in the basement all by herself for WEEKS and while she was down there a family that had seen Fern at an adoption dinner (that’s what I’m calling it) came and adopted her. But they didn’t know that Fern was so connected to her sister that she started wetting the bed (she was doing this a bit before she left the TCHS) and that she would cry for Rill and the family eventually gave in and adopted Rill so that Fern would cooperate better.

Rill & Fern end up living a happy life with their new parents. But so many events and things took place that it took a very long time for the girls to realize that maybe a new beginning wasn’t so bad after all. It is hard to let go of what was. It’s especially hard to let go of your birth parents. But after they made it to the TCHS and were adopted they found a way back to river only to find out their mother had died and their father had taken to drinking. And he did somethings that no father in his right mind would do. But he was sad. He missed his wife and all of his children were taken from him at the hands of Georgia Tann. It wasn’t the children that she broke it was the parents too.

So the girls make their way BACK to their new parents and they make the best out of a shitty situation to say the least.

There’s other little twists but I think I’ll leave that for y’all to read about!