caitsrecs's reviews
238 reviews

Manik by Amo Jones

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MANIK was intense. I was so drawn in and couldn’t not love every single moment. In Peace Lies Havoc was just announced and I soon found out that there were small snippets in MANIK. I felt like it was such a win, another Amo book to devour and a way to find out more about the elusive Midnight Mayhem.

I came in not knowing anything aside from the fact that he’s a rapper and she’s a dancer. I always come into Amo’s books without knowing anything. I’m always ready to be surprised, to be wowed, to be left speechless. MANIK did not disappoint at all. I loved, lived and breathed MANIK. Bea and Aeron were the perfect definition of forbidden romance. Every minute I was on the edge of my seat so concerned for them. I love them so much and miss them!! I hope Amo gives us a tiny novella one day of them and how they are.