caitsrecs's reviews
238 reviews

The Fallout by Everythursday

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In Peace Lies Havoc by Amo Jones

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In Peace Lies Havoc. Truer words have never been spoken. I’ve just finished my reread of this amazing book. I forgot how much I love Dove and Kingston and all the Brothers of Kiznitch. I would honestly be their driver just so I could see them.

Dove is such a strong character and I am convinced that Amo can’t not write strong beautiful inspiring women. Despite all that life has thrown at her. Despite everything that’s happened, she’s still a beautiful soul who is such a bright light. Some of my favorite scenes were when Dove was dancing. I felt so lost in her world, so captivated. I’m not a professional dancer or a ballet dancer or any of those but I do cheer dance(not the shake your pompoms kind but the hip hop intense kind)and I know how amazing and wonderful it feels to just get lost in the music and dance and Amo captured that so perfectly. Kingston was such a complex character. He didn’t talk much. He was a dick, honestly but I guess everyone has their reasons and King had his. The dynamic between the both of them was electric. Every time they were in a room ,they just captivated everyone with their chemistry. They were simply made for each other.

This was my first ever book set in a circus-like setting and it did not disappoint. I loved it so much I was speechless. I didn’t know what to expect the whole time and was just blown away with every word, every sentence, every chapter. Each chapter was a new experience. Something different that I never could’ve imagined. Amo’s mind. I don’t know what to say. To have come up with these amazing, complex, captivating characters and stories.
Ruthless Knight by Ashley Jade, A. Jade

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I honestly find it hard to give 5 stars to books. For a book to reach 5 stars for me is it has to have been so mind blowing that I can’t not appreciate its perfection with 5 stars. This book didnt even need a second thought as to how many stars to give.

Ruthless Knight was easily one of my most anticipated reads and it did not disappoint! The words were all strung together so well and every single word, letter, and syllable just helped build up this masterpiece. My feelings were a mess. I was crying so hard it was hard to see through my tears and I had to keep wiping the snot dripping from my nose.

I expected perfection from Ashley but I got so so much more than just that. I got angst, enemies-to-lovers, plus-size h, and most importantly I got one of the best books I’ve ever read. Sawyer and Cole are 2 sides of the same coin, they’re soulmates, they’re perfection. Their character growth was so profound that right now, I honestly can’t think of any other book that can compare. Their separate strengths and weaknesses just help them fit together so well and I could honestly go on and on but this masterpiece is just something you have to live through yourself