camrelind's reviews
321 reviews

If I Only Had a Duke by Lenora Bell

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It was cute, but I found myself skipping over parts, after the halfway mark. We love a brooding man, but still, sometimes I had to roll my eyes at Dalton's refusal to let Thea love him.
Also I did NOT enjoy the twist at the end. It was too left field.
A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair

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What? Was? This? Where is the plot………?
Highlander Most Wanted by Maya Banks

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Ummm. It was fine. The big problem with the book to me is the sexual assault wasn’t taken as seriously as I would like. For example, how are just going to make out with a girl that was JUST almost raped???
The Duke's Shotgun Wedding by Stacy Reid

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This was just something to get me out of a reading slump.
The Devil Is a Marquess by Elisa Braden

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Ehhhh. I just wasn’t feeling it. But it wasn’t bad. And I love a tall heroine
Devil in Spring by Lisa Kleypas

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I really wanted to like this book…. But I didn’t like it as much. I do enjoy a pining hero, but I found myself being more excited about the cameos of The OG St. Vincent.
Not the Duke's Darling by Elizabeth Hoyt

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I had fun! I hope to learn more about the Wise Women. The ending was a bit anticlimactic though…
Marrying Winterborne by Lisa Kleypas

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It was fine... but I didn't like the feeling I had when reading (and still do) that Helen still can't truly stand up for herself. Like she still needs to come into her own a bit more before being someone's wife.
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn

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DNF at 25%. I'm sure it is great, but I just cant get into it.