catoochie's reviews
224 reviews

One Step Too Far by Lisa Gardner

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Rating: 4.5/5

This shit was so stressful, man. I love you miss Lisa Gardner. The woman you are.

Given 4.5 because of missing words in sentences, perhaps the editor was too stressed to actually edit. I don’t blame them.
Alone by Lisa Gardner

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Rating: 3/5

One word: Confused.

This series is supposed to be about D.D. Warren as far as I’m aware. Should she be uninteresting? Should she be a useless moron? I kept waiting for her to do literally anything. She was an unimportant character with a fuckload of stupidity.

It was an interesting enough story. Decent plot twists. I related to Catherine in ways. I support women's rights but also women's wrongs, yada yada. Nathan somehow irritated the life out of me, but I'm not a kid person. Bobby existed, he was there. I kept reading despite my confusion on who the series is supposed to be about. Perhaps I'm just not built for books published in the early 2000s.

I love Lisa's work so I'm going to try at least one more book from this series. My hope is that this character improves.