cedence's reviews
114 reviews

Mystery Royale by Kaitlyn Cavalancia

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 27%.
I enjoyed it at the beginning. I was curious to see where it headed. Then the "game" started, we got more point of views, and with short chapters I don't care for any of these characters. I am not even that invested in the plot because we've gotten so few chapters with Mullory, the main-main character, which I actually found interesting. 

In other aspects, this may just have been a miss due to age. 

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How to Keep House While Drowning: A Gentle Approach to Cleaning and Organizing by KC Davis

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"How to keep a house while drowning" offers options on how to view and navigate household tasks while struggling. Some may work for you, some may not - but the point is to find something that keeps you floating and to accept that "good" is usually enough. You don't need the picture-perfect.

Funnily enough, some of the ways to manage household tasks are already some I use from trial an error. For example, I prefer having a day of the week dedicated to certain tasks, and I do not function with "clean as you go" (too exhausting on so may levels). To have a plan is something that often help me and surely something I will take more serious when I get my own place. 

If you need a household cleaning system that is adaptable to your needs and want you to suceed, this book is for you.
I Hope This Doesn't Find You by Ann Liang

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emotional funny tense fast-paced
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes


This book is for us people pleasers. The I will rather choke in silence than bother someone ; the I will neglect myself to see others fed-people. I feel seen in the main character even if I lack her academic prestige. It was nice to have a influence for a little while that it's okay to take up space, be direct, confront, swear, party and not fold to other people's needs all the time. A balm to my bones.

This is a fast read and it is intense. As a academic rivals enemies-to-lovers it has a lot of bickering, and throwing insults at each other. If can become tiresome and I wish we had even more time to slow down here and there, but it also kept the story moving. 

It was fun. Entertaining. A easy read. Some of what I've e needed to read for a while. When I am ready for another romance, I'll pick up her new adult romantasy, I think. 

PS, the cyber security lady... She had a day (tm). 
The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 9%.
I am still trying but I need a fast pace. May try to read The Girl In the tower instead. 
Make a Scene: Crafting a Powerful Story One Scene at a Time by Jordan E. Rosenfeld

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informative medium-paced


My favorite book so far on how to write scenes, differnt types of scenes and what the should include, some of how they typically are built, and how some scenes fit with different story beats.
Babel by R.F. Kuang

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
I tried reading this book when it first released, but my brain was exhausted by uni, I found no space or enjoyment in reading. Later, I tried the audiobook, and it just didn't hook me. Now, I just stare at it. 

While I understand that many find this to be an extremely good book and I believe it likely have something to tell if I only was able to read it, I now know that's very unlikely to happen in any forseeable future. 

As with many DA\Academia books, the slow pacing is boring me. Fast. The descriptions are too many and I don't care enough for the characters despite how well theme and goals has been stated in the early chapters. The way I would have to read this book - in sips and pieces - to stay focused and enjoy it would take me months, only a few pages at a time, and I'm not up for that.

Maybe it will come back to me in the future, but this read has defeated me as of right now.
Drepende Kledelig by Niels Christian Geelmuyden

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challenging informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


Flux Forlag sendte meg et leseeksemplar av “Drepende Kledelig” av Niels Christian Geelmuyden for å lese og anmelde 💚 Nå har jeg lest boka. 

Dette er en bok jeg ønsker jeg hadde da jeg først begynte å lære om moteindustrien i 2019. Den dekker mye av det som har kommet opp i løpet av årene og mange av aspekente man bør vite litt om for å få et mer helhetlig bilde av en såpass omfattende industri - og ikke minst, hva betyr dette for meg som forbruker i praksis når jeg handler, bruker/vasker og tar være på klærne jeg har? 

Tenker du at du ikke vet nok om klesproduksjon til å ta bevisste valg om hva du bør kjøpe/unngå ved tanke på helse, miljø, dyr eller klima? Da kan denne boken være et dypdykk av et første steg inn i denne verdenen av literatur. 

“Drepende Kledelig” vil nemlig tilby deg historiske innblikk, de siste tiårets mediabilde omkring moteindustrien, fordeler og ulemper med ulike fiber (syntetisk, naturlig, viskose), tilsetningsstoffer og tips på hva som kan være gode valg for å redusere eksponering til ulike stoffer og ta bedre valg for deg selv som forbruker.

Og ikke minst ✨PÅ NORSK✨. Fram til nå har man stort sett måtte forholde seg til engelsk for å sette seg inn i tematikken. Jeg er derfor veldig glad for at denne boken kommer til å gjøre infoen mer tilgjengelig for de som ikke er like stødige på engelsk. Eller rett og slett ikke har tid eller energi til å lese seg opp på egenhånd. 

Jeg likte boken veldig godt, og lærte noe nytt. For meg var det fiber og tilsetningsstoffer som interesserte meg mest i utgangspunktet og der fant jeg noen nytt å vurdere. Overrasket ble jeg også over kapittelet om framtiden. Der får man noen innblikk i teknologier og nyvinninger som kan komme å prege moteindustrien i framtiden, f.eks. Automatisering, noe som var spennende å lære mer om. Vi hører ofte om det dårlige, så det var fint med noen mer optimistiske nyheter også. 

Fra meg blir det 5/5 ⭐

Anbefaler boka videre til andre som er interessert i å lære om moteindustrien, fiber eller kjemikaler som ofte inngår i ulike klær

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Embrace Yoga's Roots: Courageous Ways to Deepen Your Yoga Practice by Susanna Barkataki

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informative inspiring medium-paced


A essential read to understand how yoga is a practice with deep historical and cultural roots; offers teachings far beyond the asanas (poses); and continue to be a practice towards global justice and unity. 

If you want to avoid cultural appropriation, and instead learn to properly honor the lineage and culture you may be participating in, this book is a good first step.

"Freedom arises when we see things as they are and can remain at ease and calm with what is. Conscious of the causes of separation and illusion that exist the world over, we understand our shared human condition. We work for ourselves and for others to create liberation for ourselves and for all beings, our siblings, to create human uplift in this world."
Is Love the Answer? by Uta Isaki

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I posponed reading this one earlier this year because I presumed it didn't tell me something I already knew. And while I have read quite a lot about asexuality at this point, it had three scenes that I really needed to read for myself. I needed someone telling me that and I didn't know I needed it.

Maybe I'll add a more detailed review later. Bye for now.