ABSOLUTELY LOVED. Be warned. This book will most likely make you crave Chik Fil A, Coffee, and Donuts! I loved this book. I was only a few pages in when I realized I would definitely be wanting to see more from these characters and this town! I smiled through this book, was brought to tears a few times, and finished it with a huge smile on my face. Emily is wonderful, this book is wonderful. I have a new fondness for chik fil a because of it and I am so excited for you to read this book too! Also! I highly recommend getting a physical of this because it has the sweetest sunflower on the spine!!! I was given an advance review copy of The Heartshot & this is my honest review. Thank you so much Emily!!!
book review! The wonderland trials by Sara Ella! I don’t think I would have finished this if I hadn’t got it on audio, it took me a while to get used to the writing style. I often have trouble wanting to commit to books before I’m past the 30% mark though, so I just steamrolled through it and eventually I was very entertained- especially during the games and once more characters were more solidly present in the story. I also could see jk rowlings HP⚡️books influence on this world and thought that was fun to notice! Would I read it again? Probably not, but I enjoyed it and I will definitely pick up the next book!
A page into this book and I was giggling, I LOVE Davin so much from previous books and I’m so happy to have been able to start his story too! I was instantly hooked, if you’ve read the Lochlann Feuds you’ve seen Galina before. I was verrry intrigued to get to know her more. I LOVED her. I will never stop loving her. SHES ADORABLE. my only tiny problem was there are flashbacks and it was a bit hard to tell -for the first few chapters- whether something was happening in the present or the past. This is fixed very fast tho. Moving on: The chemistry between these two, the whole setup had me gasping and squealing in delight. This book is an excellent start to the series and I am crying screaming throwing up in anticipation of the next one. I feel so much for these characters, and I’m DYING FOR THE NEXT ONE. I know I already said that. I had to say it again. LOVE. THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES TO ELLE AND ROBIN FOR THE ARC!!!
Sometimes I’ve wondered when I’ll find an author who I just get. Ashley Shumacher is definitely that author.
I’ve also wondered if it’s possible to convey beautiful music through words.
Ashley Shumacher did it.
When books make me cry, I usually can keep breathing normally through my tears.
This book made me sob.
I cannot wait for this to come out next year. I will be waiting for it with my face pressed up against my window. Or I’ll be the first person to enter the store on release day.
Full Flight is a must read
!!So so much thanks to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for this ARC!!
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I wanted to like this, but it disappointed me to so much. I saw a grand story full of intrigue and interesting plot points and character dynamics. But sadly I dreamed to big, and I got.... not what I wanted. And it pains me to give this 2 stars, it really was written well! But- it wasn't planned well. The question the back of the book asks (who and why is Ferius Parfax) isn't answered- or even focused on. Kellen is a nice character, but he, and everyone else is underwritten. This is a personal thing, and since it is a thing prominent in other cultures I understand why it happens. But names written with apostrophes (i.e.Ke'Heops, Jan'Tep Sha'Tep,) bug me, my eyes snag on them and it pulls me out of reading. There are many, and they bugged me everytime.
So intro to Kellen, bravely stomping onto the dueling ground to fight this "big bad" while all his "buddies" tell him to stop. Interesting. Okay, so he tricks Tennat into hurting himself, nice, Shalla does her bit of Drama, Kellen is dying. And he stays fully conscious-yet dying- for quite a while while we get a little peek into how the magic is done. Someone mutters about linking hearts- oh- but they are too weak. ENTER Ferius Parfax! The random cow-boy-woman(yes- I think she'd like that description. She's not your regular cowgirl) And she does uhhh.... CPR! with some magic powder thrown in. Hilarious, yet I thought she was going to link her heart to his and he'd have to be her sidekick. Much more interesting than her flitting in and out of the story at random moments, only there for a funny joke (and they were okay funny- but not the best, they were slightly sexist and of course very arrogant.) The talking beasts Kellen made friends with were interesting, I liked how they were written. The magic was intriguing, but in the end nothing was tied together in a satisfying way.
I enjoyed this book, this is the first dual timeline that I’ve actually finished in a while. The whole time I was reading it I was sad for Kya (I also couldn’t figure out if she was black or white- and ultimately had to Google it- she’s white- and saw that many other readers were confused by this themselves.)
Characters: character work was pretty good, I liked every character you’re supposed to like, and disliked the ones you’re supposed to not like. Each character felt real, and i could (apart from Kya) see them clearly in my minds eye.
Plot: i wasn’t a fan of the plot and the things that happened
Writing style: the imagery was so beautiful, and reminded me of The Girl of the Limberlost. See, If Kya was guilty, I wanted her to be sentenced. It left a bad feeling to be left with the knowledge that in the end justice wasn't served.
This is why I thrift! I picked up a copy of this at my local thrift store and bought this because I saw some of my favorite books on the cover! This book follows an introverted bookworm in her fourth grade year. She's friends with the crossing guard at her school, who always says Hi to her. She strengthens her friendship with her classmate Laura throughout this book, and learns a bit about how some families are dysfunctional. This book has a gentle delivery on this, and I really appreciated how the drama never really got crazy, but gave the reader an idea to mull over and ask their parents about. There were also some excellent interactions between the characters of different cultures, asking questions about each other in polite ways. I highly recommend for younger audiences!
The only thing I had problems with is the crossing guard sometimes refers to Anna as "My girl" which seems inappropriate in its setting, as she is just a student at the school he works for. And when Anna mentions the book she's reading, she toes the line on spoilers for a few books.