cindysbooks's reviews
251 reviews

Opposition by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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there’s no such word to describe this serie.
at first, I wasn’t sure that i would like this whole extraterrestrial story, but now that i’ve finished it, I just want to reread it again and again because it’s truly amazing.
this ending broke my heart, and I can’t realise I am leaving behind this incredible universe that made me both laugh and cry, that same universe that made me overcome by a multitude of emotions.
this last volume was so addictive, I couldn’t let myself put aside the book, i needed it to finish it, to know what will happen next, but when I reached the epilogue, I completely freaked out, the last chapters were insane (and I was thinking like wtf is going on right now ?) and wow now that I’ve finished it I can’t get myself together, I need more of katy’s obsession for books, and more of daemon taking jabs at her, i need more of dee and dawson and bethany and luc, and more of every single character in this serie.
so thanks jennifer for giving a life to this figures and making that serie happens.
Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth

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surprisingly, i liked it. i liked every single aspect of the universe that veronica roth created, the character are all amazing in their own way. Cyra was probably the most touching one, her story’s complicated af but she still has the strength to love even tho she doesn’t think so, she still has the strength to fight and defy what she thinks is wrong and it’s incredible.
this book is so addictive, i was always thinking about how it will end, what is the possible destiny of every character and it was extremely good.

but, (cause there’s always a but, isn’t it ?) i found some passages too long, maybe there was a lot more descriptions that it should have been and i understand that, because it’s a new world, a new universe, the author is propelling us in it and we do need to understand all the issues of this realm, but I did find it too long and too slow, so slow. plus, even with this slowness, I found the world not as developed as it should be. veronica sets us in a realm we never heard of, and she expects us to imagine it, but we can’t, i felt so lost sometimes. the author fed us with too much unnecessary details instead of the necessary ones that could have helped us being situated.

finally, I thought the ending is really good, it made me wanna read the sequel as soon as possible, the revelations are mind blowing and it really is a plus.