classywords's reviews
107 reviews

Across the Green Grass Fields by Seanan McGuire

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this reawakened my middle school horse girl phase. 😭

but i am very happy with the intersex rep in this, i just love the diversity of all the characters in this series 💕
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space by Amanda Leduc

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[read for my independent studies of folklore & mythology]

“Faerie stories are not real. No, but neither are they ever only stories.”

“The stories we told have said so. The stories we tell keep saying so. The stories make it true.”

“It is time for us to tell different stories. It is time for a different world.”

umm, just wow. okay this book is phenomenal & so informative. 

the writing is addicting & it keeps this so interesting & engaging.

as someone study folklore (& mythology) i’ve been searching for a book on fairytales and disabilities since they are so prevalent in folklore.

i not just got a #ownsvoices book on all of that but also a in depth raw life experience & a history lesson & it was just right. ;)

if u are studying folklore or if u just love fairytales/folklore (both are me),  then i highly recommend this.

but in all honesty this book should be required reading since it delves into society today and how stories shape our reality.

i also loved the segments on mental health & just the mentions on similarities there and with other minorities, the representation was very nice to hear.

anyways i truly loved this book & i think everyone should read this & i can’t wait to reread this book and get more out of it each reread 💖
Arch-Conspirator by Veronica Roth

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for a very short book this was very good.
i’m very happy i got to reread antigone bc it definitely helped.
veronica roth wrote this so well, it was incredibly thrilling & thought provoking.
this book is just a great retelling & if not even more heartbreaking
Antigone by Sophocles

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this is a reread bc i forgot everything from high school.
i didn’t expect a story that delves into such complex and opposing ideals.
it takes so much out of the characters that at the end u are left with an empty void where the story & characters once stood.
it delivers it in such a stellar way, that is completely unexplainable
Hallowe'en Party by Agatha Christie

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the perfect day to finish this, is on the first day of fall 🤎🍂🎃
The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna

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“Jamie had said it was a leap of faith to love people and to let yourself be loved, it was closing your eyes and stepping off a ledge into nothing and trusting that you’d fly instead of plummet to your tragic and poetic demise. So Mika stepped off the ledge at last into nothing and wouldn’t you know it, she flew.”
i went into this expecting it to be a romance & have that be the main plot.
but i got a found family story instead & it truly destroyed my heart & soul.
it put me back together and healed me.
i haven’t fallen in love with a book like this in awhile, pure magic on a crisp wind on an autumn morning 🍂
You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight by Kalynn Bayron

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this actually completely freaked me out & idk if it was bc i was binge watching slasher films while reading this or if this book is completely terrifying.
anyways i truly loved this & i highly recommend it, if u want a good scary read
The Last Word by Taylor Adams

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“the author is god.”
ok, so i was actually terrified & so stressed while reading this, i thought the only one left was scary & stressful but this one was on another level.
i screamed, gagged, laughed, cried, passed out, annoyed my family.
but anyways laika was the true star 💛
Camp QUILTBAG by Nicole Melleby, A.J. Sass

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“But what about the time after coming out, before it got better.”
this book is so wholesome & adorably sweet.
i love this book & the characters must be protected at ALL COSTS!!
anyways i loved this book & it made me wish i went to camp quiltbag when i was little instead of the religious indoctrination, clique filled camps i went to.
after i read this is our rainbow getting to revisit two of the characters of that book makes me so happy bc i loved that book.
anyways if u want a cute, heartwarming summer read then i highly recommend this book.