classywords's reviews
107 reviews

The Only One Left by Riley Sager

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i have a complicated relationship with riley sager books.
like i’m complete trash for his stories but i also have issues with certain tropes in his books.
anyways this might be one of my favorites of his if not my absolute favorite ❤️
Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire

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“No one should have to sit and suffer and pretend to be someone they’re not because it’s easier, or because no one wants to help them fix it.”

“Hope is a vicious beast. It sinks in its claws and it doesn’t let go.”

“”The world gets heavy sometimes,” said Sumi sadly. “That’s all. She’s carrying it as best she can, but … the world gets heavy. I hope she’ll be able to put it down soon.””

“Sometimes heroism is pressing on when the ending is already predestined... Sometimes a hero has to fall.”
so far this is my least favorite book but it was still a fun time. ♥️
kade & sumi are something else & i love them sm 💞
Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire

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“Sugar, flour, and cinnamon won’t make a house a home, so bake your walls of gingerbread and sweeten them with bone. Eggs and milk and whipping cream, butter in the churn, bake our queen a castle in the hopes that she’ll return.”

“when the wind is right, when the stars are bright, when the world remembers what it is to have mercy on the longing and the lost.”

“”That’s when they say, ‘I can’t live for a world that doesn’t want me, so I guess I’d better learn to live in the world I have.’””

“”I love baking,” she said. “It lets you make the world you want, and it makes everything delicious.””

“There is kindness in the world, if we know how to look for it. If we never start denying the door.”
wow, i feel like each book just keeps getting better & better.
i personally would LOVE to live in confection but that’s just me. ;)
this book did hit on some personal notes but it was still a really great time.
this might just become an all time favorite series of mine bc of how much i love this series 🩷
The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan

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such a diverse cast & i’m already in love with the characters.
rick riordan can do no wrong when it comes to his books
Shadow Me by Tahereh Mafi

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this book was completely unnecessary but 4 stars for kenji bc he’s kenji!
unnecessary but i loved every second of it 😭❤️‍🩹
Imagine Me by Tahereh Mafi

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do i think the series should have ended at book three? yes…
did i continue even after this? yes….
am i absolute trash for these books? YESSSSS
kenji is the mc PEROID!!
i hate that i love this shit & eat it up, like i was starving.
anyways this book broke me more then defy me & i’m empty but also so full
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

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“When I danced with the Lord of the Dead for the first time he said it was beautiful, and he ran his fingers through it.
All the hair turned white around them, out of jealousy.”

“We notice the silence of men, we depend upon silence of women.”
honestly this novella was all & so much more then i could’ve asked for! <33
(2023 reread)
i’m finally continuing on with this series after having only read this book last year & i’m doing it in chronological order so it’s less confusing to me.
anyways this book is special to me & i can’t wait to continue on to the next book 🩵
In an Absent Dream by Seanan McGuire

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“If you want to help her, you need to help yourself first. No one serves their friends by grinding themselves into dust on the altar of compassion.”

“She was ordinary. She was remarkable. Of such commonplace contradictions are weapons made.”

“Children are capable of grasping complex ideas long before most people give them credit for, wrapping them in a soothing layer of nonsense and illogical logic. To be a child is to be a visitor from another world muddling your way through the strange rules of this one, where up is always up, even when it would make more sense for it to be down, or backward, or sideways.”
this series is soo magical but also so heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹✨
Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire

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“Some adventures require nothing more than a willing heart and the ability to trip over the cracks in the world.”

“Every choice feeds every choice that comes after, whether we want those choices or no.

“A single revelation does not change a life. It is a start.”

“She had tried to make sure they knew that there were a hundred, a thousand, a million different ways to be a girl, and that all of them were valid, and that neither of them was doing anything wrong.”

“The moon is the friendliest of the celestial bodies, after all, glowing warm and white and welcoming, like a friend who wants only to know that all of us are safe in our narrow worlds, our narrow yards, our narrow, well-considered lives. The moon worries. We may not know how we know that, but we know it all the same: that the moon watches, and the moon worries, and the moon will always love us, no matter what.”
magic just pure magic 🖤
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone, Amal El-Mohtar

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✩ 4.75 stars 
“At the end or at the start and through all the in - between.”
“I want to meet you in every place I ever loved. Listen to me. I am your echo. I would rather break the world than lose you.”
if timesless, invisible string, message in a bottle, the lakes, sad beautiful tragic, & the great war were a book