confusedvonne's reviews
114 reviews

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

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Not my type of genre to read.

The book had a lot of 'filler', a lot of the internal thoughts running though the narrators mind. It was a too much for me.

I also didn't like how 'real' this book was. I usually read fantasy books, this book was recommended to me by my bestie who loves this book and swore on it. But I didn't like the main protagonist at all. I didn't find him likeable mainly because I'm a person who would stand up for my friends and who is willing to get hurt to defend them it need be, unlike our main guy to did jack shit.

I think the main issue I had was that the events in this book could happen in real life, and that's what I hated the most about it.

Is it worth reading...No.
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

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I am honestly so happy that I chosen to read this series.

All the characters are really loveable, yes they have their faults but you can't help but love them for it.

The 'magic' system is very easy to follow and so is the writing, I finished this book in a day!!
I also found my new favourite author as well and I am totally going to buy the rest of the books she has written and anything else Bardugo has to offer.

The dynamic between the Hero and Villain was done tastefully, I do however wish there are a little bit more romance between those two. But I enjoyed everything, that the next day I started reading the second book to the series.

I do not understand why I never heard of this series or never read this book until now.

If you are looking for a epic fantasy series that is digestible with a good Villain and Hero dynamic I would 150% would recommend this book and the rest of the series.
Prince of Fools by Mark Lawrence

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A better read compared to the Prince of Thorns!!

At the beginning I found the book a little slow, as the first few chapters are about understanding and creating an insight on Jal as a character. His thoughts, morals and his out look on life.
There were some points where I became a little irritated with Jal, mainly when he would repeat often how he would prefer being in bed with a woman or how he would run for the hills in 'situations' like these. But I understand that these moments were mentioned to highlight Jal's character/nature.

But it does pick up! And it was a wonderful story about two men from opposite worlds/lifestyles (one a Prince and the other a Viking) who become bound together by magic to stop evil essentially. And you watch their glorious friendship evolve to form a brotherly bond.

If you read the Prince of Thorns and became a little apprehensive of reading anything form Mark Lawrence, I would highly recommend the Prince of Fools.
The characters are more lovable.

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

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I love the second book of the series. I loved the introduction of new characters. The lover interests sucked me in, I fell hard for this book!

There was a lot of set up for the coming events however, the only downside in this book was there wasn't much Darkling appearances. I wish there was more interaction between Alina and the Darkling, their dynamic could of been more explored.

But overall, the book was very enjoyable!!
Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

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Both a great and sad ending to the series.

I enjoyed the exploration of the many characters that were introduced in the last two books. I feel they were more flushed out. But the Darkling was lacking a little, both in character development and presence in the text.

Reading the short story at the end about the Darklings childhood was very nice, it said more than what we are given in the series. I only wish there was more, whether we got that from the book itself or in a different series just on the Darkling.

The ending was beautiful both in a good and sad way. It actually made in cry!! It could of ended in two different ways, but I think the choice Bardugo made was perfect.

It was a good end to this series / for Alina.
I can see myself re-reading this series many times over!
Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

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I think this was more of a YA book rather than Adult Fantasy, but it was still enjoyable.

It was a very easy to read and follow book. It puts a spin on the super hero genre; those with powers have a weakness that renders their powers which is only unique to them. And these weaknesses can be really out of the blue eg One character's weakness was a dog. They see a dog and they can't use their powers anymore.

It was a good mix of a small heist and take down of the bad guy story.

The only thing I felt was a let down would of been the final battle. It left me saying "is that it?". I guess I wanted more of epic battle.

It was a fun read!