corndogqueeen's reviews
160 reviews

The Age of Magical Overthinking: Notes on Modern Irrationality by Amanda Montell

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I really fw her! Love her narration of her books. I think she does a really good job of making her writing informative, interesting and enjoyable. Definitely recommend! Especially the audio version. I enjoyed so much I'm planning on buying a physical copy to highlight stuff 😩 lmao 
Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll

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Kinda lame this isn't labeled as LGBTQIA+ bc I'm trying to get some pride reads in and it's lesbians in the book! And that aspect is actually a pretttty important element in the story but anyway. This was weird. Sometimes a little too on the nose. I felt like some parts were very well written and others were written by teenagers. I would've appreciated a third party POV I think it would've added a lot to the story. 
The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins

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i lowkey want to give it an even lower rating bc of the NC misrepresentations. Calling Duke blue navy is a choice! It was kinda weird bc she kept heavily including NC stuff (since most of it takes place there), especially about UNC/Duke, but they weren't quite right. It's like why go to the length to discuss these NC intricacies if it's going to be half assed. Anyyyyway. It was a very entertaining story and I enjoy the casual writing tone. Doesn't blow you away but imo is certainly enjoyable (overall) 
Down the Drain by Julia Fox

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God damn?! Ummmm wtf. I tbh knew nothing about Julia Fox literally at all and haven't seen Uncut Gems so this was a crazy ride fr
On Earth as It Is on Television by Emily Jane

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I loved this tbh! Very excited to read her next book because that premise sounds even more interesting than this one (for my tastes, at least) and I loved this one. Soooo fun! And also sweet at times. Definitely for the cat lovers!!!!
The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston

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I really enjoyed this. I felt like some of it was a smidge rushed and personally found it hard to know how much time had passed between passages. She also repeated a LOT of things verbatim and like... very close together. They weren't even callbacks because she had just said them for the first time 10 pages before, so it felt like overkill. These things didn't really dampen the book much for me, as I loved the premise and voice of the author (I loved dead romantics also so no surprise!) 
The House of Hidden Meanings by RuPaul

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This was much less entertaining than I was expecting, especially considering I listened. I love RuPaul so I was very excited about this, but perhaps it set my hopes too high? Definitely interesting overall, but a smidge boring for many chapters imo
None of This is True by Lisa Jewell

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This was enthralling. I read it in one in office work day lmao. A few things may not have fully added up but I tbh think almost every single thing did. Attention to detail was there for sure! I am eager to read more by her, though I read the authors note and it seemed like her books usually include a male character and teenage POV? I was like hmmm idk about all that!  
The Women by Kristin Hannah

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I love historical fiction.... I honestly really loved this story. Some of it was a little interesting. As in like a little unbelievable lol 
Big Swiss by Jen Beagin

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This was a fun and unique read! Loved the tone and format.