corndogqueeen's reviews
160 reviews

Cleopatra and Frankenstein by Coco Mellors

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Tbh I really liked this. It will not be for everyone! Every time a new character POV was introduced I was like ughhh but I ended up wanting more of each of them. Kinda didn't want the book to end! 
Maame by Jessica George

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I loved this so much!!! I didn't want to put it down at any point despite it not being a "page turner" in the way you normally think when you hear the phrase. 
The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu

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Omg..... That was painful. I didn't understand I'd say about 80-90% of the book so that was tricky. Very science heavy. I was pretty confused the whole time despite understanding the bigger picture. I fear a lot got lost in the Chinese-English translation :/ 
Being Henry: The Fonz . . . and Beyond by Henry Winkler

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This was weird to me? Not one of my favorite memoirs. I wouldn't say I disliked it but I wasn't connecting very much. 
Funny Story by Emily Henry

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Might be my new fav? 😳 Emily Henry I love you soooo much... the woman that you are.....she really has a knack for making the characters all seem like fully developed real people I know almost. Even the minor side characters are written with just enough detail to make you feel like you know who they are and their relationship dynamic with the more center stage characters. 
Cassandra in Reverse by Holly Smale

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I really liked. I love magical realism and it had aspects of Eleanor Oliphant which is a book I looooved. 
The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young

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Tbh sometimes the timeline got pretttty confusing. And I was reading on my kindle so I couldn't easily go back a few pages and reread. I mean it's still pretty easy to do but I'm less inclined to do it on kindle whereas if it had been the physical book I prob would've. Anyway! This was a fun story and s/o western nc! 🖤 there could've been more character development for the characters other than June, and I kinda wish there would've been, but I still really enjoyed it and the other characters. I liked the book a lot, I'll read more by this author! 
The Prospects by KT Hoffman

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I really enjoyed the writing!! Will definitely be reading future works. The only reason I wouldn't say I love it is I just didn't connect with the characters that much. I was rooting for them and liked them enough through the book, but they weren't characters I loved or that made me super eager to pick the book up and keep reading. Definitely similar to red white and royal blue in all the best ways, I think the characters just could've used a little more development maybe? 

I also think I'm just kinda over romance books for the moment. Or at least the ones that all follow the same standard formula because I usually am bored. Oh I also hate baseball so that didn't help in this instance lmao I was like hmm I wonder how much more I'd like this if it were hockey centered instead. But anyway definitely recommend despite my less favorable opinions on the book. 
Finding Me: A Memoir by Viola Davis

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Really amazing and so sad. It is kind of inspiring but not really if you're listening to the sentiments she shares. Also I literally don't think I've seen anything she's been in?! Which is wild
Sweet Reality by Laura Heffernan

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Alright. What was the last like... 2/3 of the book?! The first one was so fun and I know the main reason I liked it was the reality TV aspect more so than the characters and the story itself, but this was...?! Just unreal and silly.