dahabow's reviews
355 reviews

The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melinda Salisbury

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Actual rating: 4.5/5
This book was short and beautifully written. it had a psychotic evil bxtch as a queen who I loved hating and an amazing guy(/guys) the protagonist doesn't see herself as a heroine and I lived that because it felt raw and real. like she didn't think she'd be anything special and it had a little self discovery. I loved the plot. didn't expect that twist and omg I'm I the only one who feels for Merek? like poor guy... It was suspenseful, thrilling and all in all a great fantasy read for any lovers of fantasy! This book is different from anything I've read both in terms of plot and premise. I'm glad I finally picked it up and now I'm itching for the sequel. it does start out slow but picks up pace and pretty soon your rooting for everyone to be safe. (except the psychotic antagonist)
Pivot Point by Kasie West

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This book was great from the start to finish. it had me on the edge of my seat and I admit I fell in love with both Trevor and Duke. both of them had amazing qualities, but what can I say...Trevor is bae.
Pretty soon, I was head over heals in love with Trevor and his honesty as well as sheer cuteness is the reason why. The book is ultimately one of the first Paranormal esque book I've read and I'm hoping to read the sequel for the aftermath of Addison's choice! ALSO, WHO ELSE SHED SO MANY FREAKING REARS THE LAST 80 PAGES? I CRIED AND CRIED AND THEN THE ACTUAL CHOICE BROKE ME. I ALWAYS KNEW THAT STUPID PRICK BOBBY. SUCH A CREEPSTER.
ALSO, was I the only one grateful I wasn't making the choice? I mean talk about heartbreak and loss...its like either way Addie was so screwed. BUT BUT BUT (sorry for overuse) there's a sequel with my name on it...BRING ON THE FEELS. KASIE WEST, DO NOT PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS. YOUR SUCH A MOOD MANIPULATOR!
İçimdeki Diğerleri by Kathryn Evans

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This book was so original, beautiful, weird and downright wonderful! The twist had me at a loss for words and I cannot believe all that's happened....WOAH. I need to take a breather because the last time I cried that much was after All The bright places...Guys, keep your eyes peeled for this book! if you love sci-fi/contemporary/romance then it's the best book as it features a mix of all. The premise is unlike anything I've read in my life and I can't wait for everyone else to read and love this book just like I did!
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

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This was an amazing paranormal esque book. It had magical elements, Ronan, sassy characters, a great plot, Noah, a crazed maniac, Gansey, a beautiful setting, Adam, a house full of psychics, Blue and an amazing premise. I mean, I could not have asked for more. I stayed up till 5am to read it and I've finally read the last few pages and god! These characters are my everything. There was so many plot twists, weirdness, magic, fun sassy moments and I cannot express all my feelings about this book. Also, major plot twists ahead. Get some tissues at the ready, because you WILL cry. Thank you Stiefvater, for making these characters come to life. TIP: this book is so much more than about love. There's an actual hunt for this Welsh king, and I'm so excited to buy the sequel and buddy read it with my friend. *CONTENT SIGH* I'm so happy I finally read it.
The Sleeping Prince by Melinda Salisbury

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this is an epic sequel with amazing brave female protagonists and a story line that's beautiful and moving and hurtful. I wanna stab the Sleeping Prince but I also know why he's doing what he is...but still! he's more evil than evil. he's freaking charming which also kills. ARGH. I know I sound crazed but approximately 5 seconds ago I was jumping for joy and I was covered in goosebumps! All I know is I wanna talk to Melinda (spoilers and such) and fangirl even more! I adored it and I need an arc of the third book! like asap! MELINDA YOU ARE EPIC AT FRICKING PLOT TWISTS. YOU'VE MADE ME CRY AND SQUEAL AND THROW MY BOOK (on the bed, I am not a savage) I LOVE YOU AND HATE YOU FOR DOING THIS TO MY HEART! ALL THE STARS! BEST BOOK OF 2016 GOD DAMN IT!