darax's reviews
63 reviews

The Nameless City by H.P. Lovecraft

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Captivating, the best of Lovecraft that i’ve read so far. Absolutely brilliant
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake

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Ok reviews for this seem to be very heavy handed one way or the other which is quite surprising to me. Personally I loved it. I found the people critical of the “6” view points on life and morality/issues on earth a bit surprising honestly. Don’t you ever reflect or deconstruct anything about your existence.

However back to the book, loved it. Huge fan of the characters but especially Nico. His slow change over the story from how he was originally portrayed was masterfully done imo.

Great book will re read at least once!
Sacred Hospitality by Olivie Blake

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Nice little sun story about probably the three best characters and some friends. Big fan of it and the writing style
Contradictions by ambpersand

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Stepping Back by TheBlack'sResurgence

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Whispers of a Raven by TheBlack'sResurgence

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Ashes of the Sun by Django Wexler

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Solid. Read it in one sitting at a library cafe. Good bit of suspense and intrigue along with impressive world building in the background. Going to read the second one for sure