dianie25's reviews
112 reviews

Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine

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*4.5 stars!!! A fun, light, and a delightful read! Adventure, romance, friendship, ... Very different compared to the book, they only kept some characters and the curse (of course!). The writing style was great in general, but in the beginning it was taking me more time to get into. When reading, I wished that I were able to live in Frell, meet Ella, Char, Mandy, Arieda, ... They're just so wonderful!!!
Yes Please by Amy Poehler

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Funny, she's got a great attitude on life, and inspirational!
Burning Moon by Jo Watson

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Ok I read this NEW ADULT CHICK-LIT years ago in my EARLY teen years and I remembered about this book while looking at my old app installments. There was a time I read One Direction wattpad stories and I came across this book because of boredom with some curiosity. "Why, Diana ?!" I think I liked reading it ? I skimmed over it today and what ?? Crazy, man.
Hamlet by William Shakespeare

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“Madness in great ones must not unwatched go.” I never read a Shakespeare play before and I really like this to start with! (I read it for my English class). Some parts were tough to understand, but further on I got a hang of it. Damn, while reading the end I cried in the inside! Two times I had to see the film adaptation of Act 5 and I had to resist the urge to cry! 4.5/5
Earthquake at Dawn by Kristiana Gregory

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i think i read this book and making a report back in the middle school... what i remember was that one character was real and the narrator wasn’t. often it makes me sad that while i recall myself enjoying it, i don’t remember most of the book (which is basically every book besides ASOUE).
i wish that i could go into my old elementary middle school’s library to browse around for books that i once read :(. that reminds me of when i sometimes used to pretend to read books while marveling at the letters and book pages during my classes and recess time. :’)