dnietoperafan's reviews
185 reviews

The Scar Boys by Len Vlahos

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This book really tries to be the The Catcher in the Rye for Gen Z. I really liked it. Coming-of-age novels are kind of my jam. The Scar Boys made me really think about who your true friends are, because honestly, we will never know for sure. But anyway, this was Vlahos’ first novel and the writing style could be better (we can all improve), that’s why I gave it a 3-star rating. I really enjoyed the characters who were developed (such as Harry), and that’s why I really wanted for the rest of the main cast to be developed as well. Richie was my favourite character tbh, he lighted up the mood everytime, he had such a nice aura. I know Vlahos already released a sequel for this book, in which I HOPE he develops the rest of the gang (mostly Richie lol). I would very much like to read it and see were this story goes. I would recommend it. I enjoyed reading it and I believe you will too! It’s a very easy and short to read novel.
I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

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For being the debut of the Lorien Legacies, I believe this book does a good job. Everything is explained with ease and the characters are cool. The only thing that I got kind of trouble with was the love story in between all the chaos. I started this series expecting alien wars and "magic" powers, but instead I got a sappy love story. I wasn't very pleased, but it was good nonetheless. Nothing new, yet nothing terrible. The descriptions were really good though, I really enjoyed them. My favourite character was Henry because I felt that he was the only RATIONAL BEING ON THE WHOLE PLANET!!! Anyways, the rest of the series is amazing, so bearing with this book is worth it. I wouldn't really recommend this book on its own, but I totally would recommend the entire series.
The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore

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The Lorien Legacies gets better with this book. The narrative gets more complex since another point of view is added, it's great. The story gets better and the suspense is great. I loved Marina, I could relate so much with her character, she was amazing. The descriptions were on point and the character development was amazing. A good read overall.
The Rise of Nine by Pittacus Lore

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The character development in this book is AMAZING!! You get to fall in love with all the characters, no matter who they are or what they do. Descriptions are great as always with the Lorien Legacies. I just would really recommend this series.
The Fall of Five by Pittacus Lore

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This is by far the BEST book on the Lorien Legacies series. Its just a nice rest from all the action that was shoved down the readers throat from the first books, but at the same time the action from this book was just so well written. I loved the character development, the descriptions, the writing style, everything! It just was a very hooking read with the BEST plot twist I could've asked for. You seriously have to read this book.
The Fate of Ten by Pittacus Lore

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If you thought Ella couldn't get more OP... ohohoho... you're so wrong.
The Revenge of Seven by Pittacus Lore

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EVERYTHING IS GOING DOWN!! I really enjoyed this book.
United as One by Pittacus Lore

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To be honest, I really really really enjoyed this series finale. Some friends of mine didn't like it, but I did. It was such a great conclusion to the Lorien Legacies.