dreamadarwich's reviews
349 reviews

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

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I took me so long to finish this book. I was thinking that is so predictable and that i knew who killed the girls. I was wondering why everyone is recommending it. I was reading it super slow because i thought i got it all figured out. But the last two chapters proved me wrong. The plot twist is VERY unpredictable and it made me give this book 4 stars instead of 5.

It's a very deep, raw book about the unhealthy mother and daughter relationship.
The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory

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I was so disappointed.

I gave this book two stars because the cute romantic scenes between the two characters. Other than that, 3/4 of the book is flying back and forth, having sex, going on to eat and that's it! No conversations, no communication, and i waited for the last chapter and then it was sped up! Like "hi! I want to be with you" " Yeah me too" and that's it let's get married!

I was waiting for them to have actual conversation of what they both want and how they are going to work this out!

And what about Drew who's out of a sudden is going to move to berkeley!

I have many many problems with this book and i can't find the words to describe it.
The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

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I don't normally read literary fiction but this one was definitely worth it.

Brit Bennett's writing was out of this world, it got me hooked since the first page.

I loved how we saw the two generations grow apart from each other and how they converge. How the family drama went through the years.
How we've read each person's individual ups and downs, struggles and success. We've seen how they really thought of each other and how they felt about their own actions. The book didn't leave any character out and it gave each one its own spotlight which i admired.

I will definitely pick other books by Brit Bennett. Definitely recommending this book to literally anyone.