dreamadarwich's reviews
349 reviews

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

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I took me so long to finish this book. I was thinking that is so predictable and that i knew who killed the girls. I was wondering why everyone is recommending it. I was reading it super slow because i thought i got it all figured out. But the last two chapters proved me wrong. The plot twist is VERY unpredictable and it made me give this book 4 stars instead of 5.

It's a very deep, raw book about the unhealthy mother and daughter relationship.
The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory

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I was so disappointed.

I gave this book two stars because the cute romantic scenes between the two characters. Other than that, 3/4 of the book is flying back and forth, having sex, going on to eat and that's it! No conversations, no communication, and i waited for the last chapter and then it was sped up! Like "hi! I want to be with you" " Yeah me too" and that's it let's get married!

I was waiting for them to have actual conversation of what they both want and how they are going to work this out!

And what about Drew who's out of a sudden is going to move to berkeley!

I have many many problems with this book and i can't find the words to describe it.