A delightfully produced book that should inspire us all to art as much as possible and direct our emotions to productive and artful protest. Many examples, illustrations, and exercises.
This is a small but jam-packed book. There are many standalone programs to illustrate various graphics techniques and capabilities of the BBC Micro. Proper attention to these programs will give you a good grounding in doing graphics in BBC BASIC. It will also (somewhat unintentionally) give some insight into BBC BASIC programming itself. The relevant parts of BBC BASIC and VDU codes are explained, but somewhat briefly. It would be a good idea to have a BBC User Guide on hand if you are not already familiar with BBC BASIC.
Typing the programs in (which i did on an emulator prior to this review) is a good exercise in accidental debugging and the importance of semicolons.
The chapters are quite fun and varied, covering symmetry, 3D, animations, fractals, and narrative composition. Highly recommended.
A slog to sit and read through, but cram packed full of interesting tidbits, reviews, and interviews with industry insiders. Interspersed with amusing anecdotes and lusciously reproduced artwork. Occasionally letdown by a little repetition or obvious filler, and the white-on-black Avenir typography is largely terrible.
On the whole a glorious celebration of everything that is Beeb.