ebonygreads's reviews
56 reviews

The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas

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This book has a fake dating trope with two main characters Catalina and Aaron. Catalina feels she can’t be honest with her family back home that she doesn’t have a boyfriend, so she decides to make one up, and Aaron steps up for the job of being her fake boyfriend. Catalina and Aaron are in the same workplace, where they meet. She takes him home for a wedding and introduces him to all her family. There is also one bed… I can’t say that this was a favourite read of mine. I didn’t fall in love with any of the characters or the main love story…
The Good Neighbour by R.J. Parker

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I gave this book a 3.5 stars out of 5.

I did really enjoy this book, it was perfect for the spooky season we are in. It was a fast and enjoyable read.

After Leah Talbot hits a deer on the road, causing her to look around who is near to ask for help, she stumbles to the only house with it's lights on. Here she meets Martin Tate, who is all but happy to help Leah out. Tate invites Leah in, offering her the phone, and even alcohol to help the shock. Leah recognises she has some sort of strange connection with man, but starts to get an uncomfortable feeling that she should leave.

Leah leaves to go home in the pick up truck, only to return to the house tomorrow with a bottle of wine to thank Tate for helping her out. When she arrives, Tate isn't home, instead the Police are, after a brutal murder of the SOLE FEMALE resident has taken place. Tate has also disappeared...

Leah gets sucked up within the police investigation, along with trying to cope with her dad who has Alzheimer's Disease and a husband who is not interested in her. This book contains many mysterious s murders, mind games and multiple secret stolen kisses.

I would recommend this book!!!
Twisted Hate by Ana Huang

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This one wasn’t a favourite of mine. I liked the characters but didn’t fall in love with them the way I did in the other books (maybe I shouldn’t compare characters between books…) I did feel the enemies to lovers throughout this book, I liked the secrecy of hiding it too, this added to the spice of the book. I just couldn’t fall in love with either Josh or Jules. One thing I do love about these books though is how the characters all intertwined throughout them. It was great to see pieces of the previous characters lives unfold.
Set on You by Amy Lea

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I am rating this book a 3 stars.

I went in expecting a lot more from this book than was given if I'm going to be honest.

I was excited to read a book including body positivity and cultural representation. I also liked the spotlight that the gym got and that it gave some insight into genuine worries people have about gym culture. I loved these aspects of the book, however I just feel that the romance part of it wasn't great. I did like both main characters, Crystal and Scott but I am not in love with their relationship. The writing style was good, but at parts I did find Crystal's thoughts or actions a little cringe? I did like the little Instagram posts and comments that followed - I felt these were very real and conversations that were likely to happen in real life.

I think that Scott let a lot of things Crystal did slide, and I understand that Crystal had a lot going on in her mind, but I do feel that Scott was at the brunt of her feelings. Scott was very patient and continued to give Crystal everything she wanted.
Peaches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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This book is about three girls who wouldn't have normal been found around each other but are pushed together by Peaches...

This is a typical YA read. I did find it took me longer to finish this book that I would have liked. I just couldn't fall in love with the storyline or the characters.

Birdie lives on a peach farm with her two dogs and her dad. The storyline is based around trying to save the peach farm being sold off or taken away from them. However, it seemed that only Birdie was pretty much interested in putting in the hard work to do so.

Leeda and Murphy are two girls who join the peach farm for their own individual reasons and the story watches the three girls friendship blossom. I wasn't even convinced that the girls were friends with each other until the ending of the book. It just seemed a bit all over.

The storyline didn't change anything for me and I didn't particularly connect with any of the characters.
Ashenden by Elizabeth Wilhide

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This book is about a house known as Ashenden. The first chapter starts with two siblings being told that they would inherit this house after their aunts death. The next chapters that follow (until the very last chapter) follows the story but back in time. The second chapter starts decades back and works back to when the siblings are alive. Each chapter contained new characters and a new storyline, some did overlap but very little. For this reason I did struggle with connecting with any of the characters introduced as I felt I didn’t get enough time with them? I would have liked to seen more overlap. I feel if you like English history or architecture then this book would definitely be for you.
Wildfire by Hannah Grace

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I was soo excited to read Wildfire after absolutely devouring Icebreaker earlier in the year! I loved that it was in a completely different area but that the setting in the previous book did sneak it's way back in. It made the story feel more unique and gave Russ and Aurora a chance to form their beautiful bond. It was its own story and not just a follow-up from Icebreaker. However it was great to see previous characters from Icebreaker return for a little bit throughout the book!

I really do adore Russ and Aurora and how their relationship developed. I loved the rule that they broke, knowing that they would get into bother but still continued to be with one another during the camp!!! Delicious. I also appreciated how each of them got a chance to heal through one another and that the communication between them both was honest and open. It was just so pure and refreshing. Russ is just so sweet and deserved absolutely everything good.
A Special Cornish Christmas by Phillipa Ashley

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A Special Cornish Christmas is about a Christmas that changes everything… FMC Bo owns a cafe by the harbour and enjoys all things vintage. She and her two friends Angel and Ran go to see a mysterious fortune teller who happens to tell the three of them the exact same prophecy: You will meet the love of your life by Christmas Day.

Bonita, who goes by Bo, has a passion for vintage music. She participates and arranges dances for those who enjoy the taste for vintage songs. Last Christmas, Bo starts to fall for Hamish and just when she tells him that she loves him, he tells her he is leaving her… for his wife.
Honestly, I was so shocked at this and I really did feel bad for Bo. I feel Bo is quite hard to understand at first as she doesn't give much away at first and is very reserved when it comes to opening herself up again. However, the more you get to know her the more you understand her behaviours and why she is so reserved about opening her heart back up again.

Angel, Bo’s friend, who dances in their group, goes through a horrible break-up from her husband, who runs off and doesn’t tell Angel where he is going or if he is with someone else. Angel does suspect that he has been having an affair and is attempting to discover more details about what happened.
Enter, Ran who is going through his own relationship issues after essentially running away to Cornwall after the breakdown of his relationship with his soon to be ex wife… who may or may not turn up.

I found it very strange that the title is solemnly around Christmas and yet the first half of the book is through the end of summer and start of Autumn. I went into this book expecting it to be more christmassy than it was. If you like books that are a bit lighter on the christmas aspect but still would like a bit of romance then this would be perfect for you!

I did enjoy the aspect of the secret fortune teller and the mystery of Tommy, Angel’s husband's disappearance. I felt so bad for Angel, but glad she got her dreams worked out and in retrospect, it was probably losing her husband that made her take her next big steps. I also loved the dancing and music aspect of the book, this was very refreshing.

I do not want to say too much about the relationship development of a certain two characters as I don’t want to spoil the book, however what I will say was that it was absolutely adorable. These two were meant to be together!