eduardoandgo's reviews
393 reviews

The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan

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I really like this. I like the exploration of grief and estranged siblings. I like this more than I liked The Lightning Thief (not more than the series and not more than The Titan's Curse). I've wanted to start this series for a while and I'm glad that I finally took the plunge. Interesting magic. characters I became invested in. Very excited to continue with this series. 
Memories of My Melancholy Whores by Gabriel García Márquez

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i think this is very well written, i think that the message of not letting your age stop you from exploring what could possibly make you happy is good. i just wish there was a way to do that with a 90 year old man trying to get with a virgin 14 year old girl. like i get it, the forbidden love all that whatever and wanting to make the reader uncomfortable or think through what's commonly know as taboo. i think if a 90 year old man falls in love with a 14 year old they should find a bridge and jump.
Poor Things by Alasdair Gray

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really enjoyed this. love bella baxter, love victoria mccandless, the second part of this was quite interesting.
The Strain by Guillermo del Toro

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though the plot was pretty interesting, i liked the characters and felt a sense of dread created by the writing and I really appreciate that. the structure however... i was not a fan (because i didn't gaf about all these storylines) but i completely understand how it moves the narrative along and provides us with information about the strain ;) just felt frustrated bc i wanted to follow a certain storyline lol
Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel

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had a good time with the characters and the plot and the structure of the novel. really enjoyed it. 
You're on an Airplane: A Self-Mythologizing Memoir by Parker Posey

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I enjoyed this in the sense that I like listening to Parker Posey speak and what is being spoken can be so eclectic and random, it doesn't really matter to me. 
Indian Burial Ground by Nick Medina

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hm, wasn't interested during the first third of the book and really had to force myself to keep going (due at the library) but i did enjoy the rest of the book. i think the prose good. i liked the characters. maybe i felt like the book was too disjointed at the beginning... 
Foe by Iain Reid

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I feel kind of weird about this book. I watched the movie first, didn't particularly enjoy it, and for the majority of the book I felt the same way. There's too much overlap from book and movie (generally a good thing, maybe) that I can't distinguish my feels about the writing with the scenes in the movie. I definitely liked the use of quotation marks and lack of them in this, as they give you some insight; I actually loved that and smiled when I realized what was happening. I think I did like the writing, the plot, the characters. I do like the sci-fi element of this novel. 
The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer

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Really like this novel. The writing was very much to my liking, as was the plot/premise. Big fan.