eduardoandgo's reviews
393 reviews

Rich People Problems by Kevin Kwan

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Good conclusion, didn't like the development that Kitty had as a person. 
Coraline by Neil Gaiman

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This was really good, a good story, a clear voice, and neat themes. I was just picturing the designs from the movie the entire time which added to it. Big fan.
Lucky Bounce by Cait Nary

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I really enjoyed this. The structure of this book was sound, the characters were good for me, the chemistry was good, the writing was alright, some of the dialogue made my eyes roll. I was cheesing BAD at some points, which I love doing.

I will be talking spoilers now because I have a lot to say. I don't think I would like either of these people if I met them irl. I think I would find Spencer obnoxious and annoying and with Zeke I feel like we just wouldn't vibe. But in the book, I loved them both; they need to let me turn it into a thruple. I like that it doesn't end with a happily ever after, rather an understanding that there are, even at that point, things that are causing stress to their relationship. And now the sexy scenes.... I nearly popped my tuck. It's not insanely descriptive but definitely planted the seeds that my brain helped grow. It was very good for me in that regard and bless up that both of them are verse, normalize that!
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers

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Really liked this novel. My favorite aspect about this is the different messages Becky Chambers tries to get the reader to understand through each of the members of the crew. The prose was nice, the characters were all interesting and I liked how they interacted with each other. 
Memphis by Tara M. Stringfellow

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Really liked this, liked the characters, love a generational story. The writing style was great. The story was interesting. 
Wandering Stars by Tommy Orange

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I really liked part one of this novel; the structure of it really intrigued me. Part two was less interesting to me since it turns into just a standard structure novel. However, I quickly started caring for the family and wanting the best for them. I didn't know this was going to be a sequel to There There, but I guess for the most part I didn't need a refresher. I liked that this novel would switch between first-person and third-person. Overall, liked it but not as much as I'd hoped.
Big Swiss by Jen Beagin

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This is funny: almost laugh out loud funny, definitely exhale out of nose funny. I really enjoyed when Greta is in the same space as one of Om's clients and part of their transcripts pop into her head. It's a fun way to learn about these supporting characters. I felt transported by the writing and was having physical reactions because of how I embarrassed I was by some of the characters' actions. Really enjoyed this overall; it lived up to my expectation.
Temper by Phoebe Walker

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Hm, I liked this. Sometimes I don't like this format of story-telling, a sort of stream of consciousness/journal entries but I was interested in the protagonist and the type of life she was living, which helped. I am interested in the main focus of this: a young woman in a new location with her boyfriend as her only friend and unable to speak the language the locals speak, her trying to make connections, attempting hobbies, finding ways to fill her time when she's not working her part-time own business.
Ancient Shores by Jack McDevitt

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I think I liked this. The beginning was kind of difficult for me to get through. I also didn't like how many characters were being introduced but once I realized that they were to show how people different than the protagonist were being affected by what was discovered, I liked that aspect. The language is easy enough (did not care when the author was going wild about the planes but whatever) and the plot is interesting. I don't care for the cameos at the end whatsoever, thought it was corny and unnecessary. The ending with the protagonists was good. 
Invincible: Compendium One by Robert Kirkman

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Originally started with the show but I wasn't hooked and never finished it. The comic, or at least those collected in this compendium, was very fun to read through. Big fan. Will continue this series.