elisebkm's reviews
41 reviews

Time Is a Mother by Ocean Vuong

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intimate and raw; i feel as though vuong just peeled away the top layer of my skin and pressed his hand into the red underneath.
Les inseparables by Simone de Beauvoir

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“do you never find yourself daydreaming about something or other?”
“no,” i said, humbled. what would i have daydreamed about? i loved andrée above all else, and she was right next to me.
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft

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a work of hard fact and common sense; a masterful rhetoric. essential, fundamental reading.
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio

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good dark academia book! a little pretentious. cute characters, good depth- just not outstanding.
The Magic Toyshop by Angela Carter

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finishing an angela carter book is almost always like waking up from a nightmare you were both horrified by as a participant and enjoying immensely as a sadistic spectator, narrated by some sort of omniscient god and remembered patchily with some spots filled in for you by your overactive imagination, and i can’t say i’ve ever finished one without deep confusion and a great desire to read it again.

by which i mean: carter is bat-shit crazy and this book was nonsense, but quite fabulous and expertly crafted nonsense.