em_jay's reviews
715 reviews

The Pram by Joe Hill

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Loved loved loved this one! A favorite from the Creature Feature series me thinks.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

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Banned and or challenged for numerous obvious reasons that may be uncomfortable for people to read and or understand. THIS IS HER TRUTH and I appreciated every single thought and elegantly crafted word. This is the first I’ve read of Maya Angelou and it will not be the last. Her prose swept me up in the telling of her experiences so vividly that at one point it took the physical form of my tears.
Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero

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Took me a while to warm up to the plot & characters. I didn’t love this book, but after the 3rd part it became more interesting to me. I’m all for an occult detective book, but the familiarity of scenes, Scooby Doo tropes, etc. Just wasn’t for me at this time. Enjoyable, but didn’t love it.
Tribe of the Accord: Adira's Journey by Shaun Michael Stone

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Just for You - A Prehistoric YA Book Review #books
Earthlings by Sayaka Murata

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Bizarre, creepy, uncomfortable, and yet it made a lot of sense! What the hell did I just read?!?!
Carrie by Stephen King

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Everyone warned me, but I started here. This is my first full cover to cover Stephen King and it was *fine*
Full video review coming soon!
Old God's Time by Sebastian Barry

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BookTube Prize - cannot publicly review or comment yet. Stay Tuned!
Silent Key by Laurel Hightower

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An interesting book. A plot that is builds the creepy feeling as the book goes on and leads you on a mysterious. At times a bit predictable and other times kept you wondering about who to trust, but still held my attention. Would absolutely recommend to others.