em_jay's reviews
715 reviews

CB Angel by Larry Adcock

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This book was an entertaining and nostalgic peek at the 197O/early 1980’s CB craze. It read very much like an episode of an adult version “BJ and the Bear” (minus Bear) A nice mix of silly CB handles, the lingo, bad jokes, diner stops, mystery, and adventure.
Aliens: Vasquez by V. Castro

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This was a book I started last year and put down. Decided to finish it. It was good. Pretty fun, and loved the backstory, heavy on interpersonal relationships, but in the end wanted more Aliens action.
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

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An amazing and practical book on the craft of writing. Full of stories, truths, tips, harsh realities, and encouragement. The prologue made me a little sad, but all in all, it was nice to get to know Stephen King on a deeper level.
Let this mark the day where I start….
Mutant Superhero Zombie Killing Disco Cheerleaders from Outer Space (with Uzis): A 1970's disco charged B-Movie frightfest by D.E. McCluskey

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A solid 3.5 stars - the title delivered. Completely enjoyed the last third of the book more then the first. This books has something for everyone silly, sexy, FUNNY, action, and mutant superhero cheerleaders. Pure b-movie fun.
The Devil Takes You Home by Gabino Iglesias

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I’ve never read a book this fast in a long time. My soul went through a meat grinder following this story. Loved everything about it, loss, grief, racism, healthcare, gangs, guns, deception, death and my favorite - supernatural elements. Damn you Gambino, damn you for breaking my heart in all the right places.
Small Mercies by Dennis Lehane

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BookTube Prize....can't review just yet!
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

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Devoured in a few hours. What a shocking book. Can you even imagine? Absolutely loved the ending! Not my first Bradbury and it is definitely a favorite!
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

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Absolutely loved the writing. I think my opinion may be unpopular, but I honestly didn’t love it (the story.) The characters bothered me and the story wasn’t gripping. Maybe I need to sit with it a bit and think about it more. Maybe it’s just not the right book at the right time for me.
The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff

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I can’t talk about it because of The BookTube Prize - but I want to so badly!!!!!!!!!