em_jay's reviews
715 reviews

The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy

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Completely loved the AUDIOBOOK. The characters, the science, the philosophical musings, the questions I had, and the answers slowly revealed.

I think if I read the physical book, it may have been more difficult to process all the goings on and well as McCarthy’s punctuation preferences, or lack thereof, and may have led to a DNF!

7/1/23 - Started a reread - got to chapter 5 on the first day!
7/3/23 - the second time through was even more enjoyable as I was able to focus in on parts I may have not paid close attention to the first time around. So many more clues to my unanswered questions and speculations.
Loved and Missed by Susie Boyt

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BookTube Prize - Can't talk about it yet!
Rouge by Mona Awad

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I really wanted to love this more! The concept was intriguing. The beauty talk/beauty industry passive agressive nature was brilliant. I laughed out loud a few times. The fantasy piece muddled the book for me and I was floating in the ocean surrounded jellyfish all alone. *wink* Honestly, it is beautifully written - but the fantasy piece got lost for me. Would still recommend to others.

Merged review:

I really wanted to love this more! The concept was intriguing. The beauty talk/beauty industry passive agressive nature was brilliant. I laughed out loud a few times. The fantasy piece muddled the book for me and I was floating in the ocean surrounded jellyfish all alone. *wink* Honestly, it is beautifully written - but the fantasy piece got lost for me. Would still recommend to others.

Merged review:

I really wanted to love this more! The concept was intriguing. The beauty talk/beauty industry passive agressive nature was brilliant. I laughed out loud a few times. The fantasy piece muddled the book for me and I was floating in the ocean surrounded jellyfish all alone. *wink* Honestly, it is beautifully written - but the fantasy piece got lost for me. Would still recommend to others.
From Hell by Alan Moore

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This was fascinating, disturbing, mysterious, sometimes bland and boring, but the last few chapters were amazing. My first Alan Moore from cover to cover and I enjoy his style. The appendix helped significantly, and the companion expands further.
The from Hell Companion by Alan Moore

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A handy(but not necessary) companion to the graphic novel. Helpful and enjoyable - wished it covered every single panel.
'Salem's Lot by Stephen King

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I’m so glad I waited until now to read this book! I would have been scared out of my wits as a kiddo. A slow burn up until the half-way mark then it all ramps up!!! The characters and writing did not disappoint this reader. Loved it.
When I Look At The Sky, All I See Are Stars by Steve Stred

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I am a sucker for a good possession book! A solid 3.5 stars. Completely enjoyed the clinical setting that transformed into a darkly beautiful and deadly cosmic nightmare. The character development and world building was perfect for this novella but left me wanting more. I want to know more about ALL OF IT! A first read for me from this author but not the last. The only downsides were that the narration was confusing at times and the story ended too quickly.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.
Strangers When We Meet by Evan Hunter

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This was an interesting book by Evan Hunter/Ed McBain.This book is about the dynamics of relationships and gives the reader an intimate perspective on the subject of affairs and the psyche behind them occurring within a residential development. Felix was my favorite character and spoke his mind! It was sad, beautiful, and difficult to read at times. I was going to give this 3.5 stars, but the writing of the ending was pretty incredible 4 stars.
Immortal Pleasures by V. Castro

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Oh, this was a sexy, dark, and delicious book filled with strength, beauty, passion, and feminism. It’s made me blush a few times, but V. always writes the hell out of subject. I do enjoy a spanning vampire story with a few twists and turns. I think you may too!