em_jay's reviews
715 reviews

Hell Hound by Ken Greenhall

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What a banger of a book! Loved the dynamics and juxtaposition that caught me off guard. Published in 1977 - the story and themes are timeless and hold up almost 59 years later. Highly recommended. Watson (my dog) gave it one paw.
Married Lovers by Jackie Collins

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By far a perfect start to GarbAugust and my least Favorite Jackie Collin’s book to date. Jackie has a certain style that flips between character perspectives. Enjoyed it, but it really could have been much better.
Dangerous Waters: Deadly Women of the Sea by Samantha Lokai, John Higgins, L. Marie Wood, Eva Papasoulioti, Candace Robinson, Alice Austin, Sandra Ljubljanović, Victoria Nations, Rachel Dib, Gully Novaro, Christina Hennemann, Desirée M. Niccoli, Dawn Vogel, Kurt Newton, Christine Lucas, Julia C. Lewis, Emmanuel Williams, Kristin Cleaveland, Patrick Rutigliano, E.M. Linden, Ann Wuehler, Ben Monroe, Mark Towse

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This is a wonderful little anthology filled with short stories and poetry mixed in. Dark and dangerous filled with oceanic nightmares and sea sirens making it to land. Picked up during the “terrify your tablet” event in 2023. Recommended - check to see if it’s available on Kindle Unlimited!
The Little Dictionary of Fashion: A Guide to Dress Sense for Every Woman by Christian Dior

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The best pocket fashion book out there! Christian Dior was a true master of the craft. For anyone that’s not interested in fast fashion and prefers the history and intricate details of dressing with timeless style.
Go Ask Alice by Beatrice Sparks

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Did not finish book.


Picked up this DNF from last year. It’s absolutely not timely or accurate for 2024 but it may have been close in 1971. Pure propaganda. The ending was the best part.
Guardians of Being by

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An amazing book for any cat or dog owner. I read it every few years and it never fails to bring be back to center.
Love Story by Erich Segal

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Four stars for the nostalgia. Is it the best thing I’ve read, no, but it’s pure and such a wonderful enemies to lovers book. Highly recommended for a quick fix of romance, love, and loss.
Stephen Hawking's a Brief History of Time: A Reader's Companion by Stephen Hawking

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So helpful as a companion piece to the book. Counting as one book for the Read What You Own Challenge.