em_jay's reviews
715 reviews

Already Dead by Charlie Huston

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I enjoyed this book the first time even I read it over ten years ago more than I did this time around. Will I give up on the series no - but I’ll wait a bit for the next one.
Love, Fishie by Neil Gaiman, Maddy Gaiman

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A part of the Humble Bundle. Cute and sad.
I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman

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Science fiction meets Sociology. A dystopian, raw, yet human gem of a book focusing on isolation, survival instincts, and tactics. The narrator unpacks A LOT in this book and touches on human behavior, identity, and emotional intelligence from her lens at the various times in her life.
Punk Avenue: Inside the New York City Underground, 1972-1982 by Phil Marcade

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What a wild ride of a book. Sex, drugs, and punk rock! Awesome hearing candid stories of Andy Warhol, Debbie Harry, Blondie, and The Ramones too. Don’t do drugs, kids.
The Night Guest by Hildur Knútsdóttir

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I loved this translated book! I am such a fan of unhinged characters and this book ticked ALL the boxes for me. A shorter book (perfect for Shorty September on BookTube) and carrying all the elements of a compelling page turner.
A good choice for someone tip toeing into the horror genre.
Sorority Girls of Satan by Allister Nelson

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Not what I expected. The story does has some good elements - LOVED the fashion references and overall relationship. Some surprises in the writing, but many things surprised and caught me off guard feeling disconnected.