emandherbooks's reviews
351 reviews

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

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I waited to read this book for so long but wow was it worth it!

It made me laugh, it made my cry, it had a twist. What more could you want?

It was written beautifully and touches on some deep topics very carefully!

LOVED it! Read it, if you haven’t already!
Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

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This book is just as good if not better than the first one and WHAT A TWIST AT THE END?

I’m gutted because I don’t have the next one and I’m going to have to buy it to find out what happens...

I loved the ‘then’ and ‘now’ style chapters that run through the majority of the book.
Delirium by Lauren Oliver

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This book is set in a dystopian world where love has been declared a disease. The main character (Lena) struggles to grasp what is true and what is a lie and ultimately falls in love, making a decision that changes her life.

The last time I read this book I didn’t fully appreciate what it feels like to be in love. Reading it this time round I found it deeply touching and I would definitely recommend it.

The book left me with tears in my eyes on the last page and I can’t wait to read pandemonium...
The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty

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This book was a slow starter and despite the twist of what his secret was, nothing else really excited me. It took me longer to read than I would have liked as I wasn’t drawn back to it.

There wasn’t actually anything wrong with the book though, and the writing style was easy to read.

It wasn’t the best and wasn’t the worst, no strong feelings.
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

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I actually think the film is better than the book. I’m not sure if that’s because I was expecting more or I just didn’t enjoy the writing style.

It is a good story but it does get a little tiresome.
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling

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I watched the original Disney musical film of this as a child and there are many differences between the two. I did enjoy the book but I preferred the film. Maybe this was just because I watched it as a child?
The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin

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This is heavy going. It is written with long sentences and paragraphs, often very repetitive. I tried very hard not to skim read.

The book however was the first of its kind and is the first evidence of the theory of evolution. Charles Darwin was an exceptional man and I am very happy I stuck this out and completed it.

Would recommend!
The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn

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This book was very hyped up and I don’t think it really lived up to it. It was a good book and it had a twist I didn’t see coming but it didn’t really have any shock factor for me personally.

I felt it was trying a little too hard or maybe the hype surrounding it got my hopes up too much?
After You by Jojo Moyes

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So this book wasn’t as great as the first, which wasn’t actually a huge surprise to me.

It was however still very emotional and moving and had a good story line. I would recommend this book if you enjoyed the first one.

If you didn’t love the first one then I wouldn’t bother if I’m totally honest.
Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold by Stephen Fry

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I love Stephen Fry so I had hoped I’d love this book. Overall I didn’t find it as good as I had hoped.

I was quite overwhelmed by how many characters there are and found it difficult to keep up. This is probably more due to my lack of knowledge of the Greek myths to begin with.

Would recommend if your interested in learning more about Greek Mythology.

Might have been better enjoyed as an audio book?