emiliedeeann's reviews
92 reviews

The Heir by Kiera Cass

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I wanted to love this character, but she just wasn’t it for me. I also felt the love story was far too obvious, and we didn’t get to really see the chemistry and there wasn’t any build up. You just kind of think “wouldn’t that be funny if...” then the “if” happens, and it’s like OVERNIGHT. Part of the reason I love these books is to be stolen away into a cheesy romance.
The Giver by Lois Lowry

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This is a book I need to read every year. It’s very slow; but I like slow books. They make me think. You feel just like Jonas - the main character - while reading this book. You get to be in his head. It’s beautiful, and reminds you the beauty of life. I like that this utopian society actually works - it IS perfect. But perfect isn’t always beautiful or satisfying. As a semi religious person, I also felt connected to the Christian undertones of this story. I hated the ending (I don’t like ambiguous endings).
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine

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Can they do a remake of this movie? I hate having to explain to people that the book and the movie are pretty much unrelated, and I would LOVE to see this actual story on the big screen. This made my mind feel so bright as a child. I loved this book so much!