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96 reviews

This Will Be Fun by E.B. Asher

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"What was a hero's purpose after the villains were vanquished?"

This Will Be Fun is a delightful, cozy, and definitely fun fantasy about 3 heroes and what has become of them 10 years after they saved their Queendom. When they cannot avoid each other anymore and are tasked for another realm-saving quest, revelations about their shared past will keep you intrigued and engaged in this heart-warming story. It is light on world-building and utilizes a wonderful balance of silliness, adventure, and personal growth and healing for all of the characters. 

We get not one, but two, second-chance romance stories but each is unique and stands on their own. I personally enjoyed the angsty, pining, and sometimes painful reunion of Clare and Beatrice. They both hurt the other in different ways 10 years ago, but their love for one another is evident throughout the book. And when they start to be honest with each other there are some stomach-churning, butterfly-inducing confessions that had me rooting for them so hard. 

The authors did an exceptional job of writing a triple-pov book while maintaining individual voices for each character. I was worried I would get confused but once they are established it is easy to follow along and lose yourself in the characters themselves. 

I really enjoyed this book and definitely recommend if you're looking for something fun and adventurous, with a dash of emotion sprinkled in. Nothing about the plot itself is particularly ground-breaking or unsurprising, but it's one of those books that you can return to for a feeling of comfort and pure joy. A special thanks to Avon and Harper Voyager for an ARC to read and review.