ermohai14's reviews
244 reviews

Fever by Lauren DeStefano

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Meh.... dragged on. I liked the fast paced ending though. I'm thinking this whole series could have been in one book. But this is the trilogy for my challenge, so I will continue on!
The Martian by Andy Weir

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Wow, what a great book! I'd really love to give this a rating of 4.5 stars, but Goodreads doesn't have that option. I know what you are thinking, oh no not another space sci-fi novel with a bunch of space reference I don't understand and yay everyone makes it out in the end. Yes there are definite spacey-type references, but most of them I understood from the explanation in the book. I did have to google some things, but I was intrigued so it was worth it. And to be honest you really don't know what is going to happen until the very end - it is a really toss up! And best of all - THIS BOOK IS HILARIOUS! It isn't like all those super dramatic space stories. I would recommend everyone read this and then go see the movie with pretty Matt Damon (in fact I'm going to see the moving this afternoon).
Up the Down Staircase by Bel Kaufman

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I enjoyed this one. It was a recommendation for my "book with antonyms in the title" category. Thanks Julia! I particularly liked the updated forward by the author. The book was originally published in the 60s but the forward was written in 2014. It was great to hear the insights of the author on how her book has been received in the teaching community over the years. You don't have to be a teacher to get something out of this book. While reading, I reflected on my own public education and even asked my mom about how my parent-teacher conferences went. I really suggestion this book!
The Yellow Wall-Paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

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This is an eerie short story. I originally picked it for a book that scares me category, however I wasn't scared. So I'm moving this selection to another category. Either way, a good read - short and sweet with a creep factor.
Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling

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So I plowed through Mindy Kaling's second book today. It was good. If I have to make a comparison, I liked the first book more. However, my favorite essay out of them both is in the second one (Soup Snakes about BJ Novak). Either way, I recommend both - have a good laugh everyone.
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling

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Hilarious! Even if you aren't a fan of The Office, you will enjoy this book. I love how Mindy Kaling herself narrates the audiobook. It make it even more wonderful! Kaling is insightful while playful in this memoir-ish book.
Point Your Face at This: Drawings by Demetri Martin

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Funny! Some great drawings and commentary. Quick and easy. Perfect for where I am in this challenge... behind :-/
A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron

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Spoiler alert - I cried each time the dog died. But it is a wonderful story man's best friend!
The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty

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Loved this book. The plot was very intertwined and dramatic. Once I figured out how everyone was connected I just NEEDED to find out how it all turned out. Moral of the story...don't lie.