evaeyre's reviews
31 reviews

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

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a beautiful book from start to finish! shows how women lived back then, and also that they truly did have ambitions and goals despite the restrictions of their living! jo, amy, meg, and beth will always be a classic!
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

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a beautiful book. it shows that we all as people have flaws, and that there will always be someone out there, no matter how long and how far, who will love us. i get that many people don’t like edward rochester, but you’re not supposed to like how he treated bertha. you’re supposed to see how jane holds her ground as an independent women and leaves him - giving them both the space they need. the first and second half of their relationship (separated by when she leaves) are very important in their contrast and seeing how they improve upon themselves and their feelings for one another - especially the second wedding. as opposed to being anxious and uncomfortable during the first wedding, mr rochester takes it slow and easy alongside jane. they don’t even have any guests when they marry in their everyday clothes, just the two of them in their own world. it shows that someone will always love you… despite your faults. Jane is also a beautifully complex character, that deserves a ton of appreciation.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë

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a really good story that shows a lot about how women really lived and how they were treated back then - demeaned and disregarded in their emotions. helen’s story is likely very similar to many real women at the time of her living… disrespected and mistreated by her husband.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy

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a beautifully tragic story that tells of the many sufferings of women like tess - once naive and sweet and kind and gentle… but broken by the greed and darkness of man. unfortunately, i know that a lot of us can relate to poor tess… and her strength and compassion in this story are so beautiful in their woeful, melancholy ways.
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

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it was compelling, but with the story behind it, the incredibly abrupt ending, and how much of it seems to be copied from Jane Eyre when you look at the characters, plot, and even ending, i can’t really speak favorably of it…
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

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a sweet story about love, healing, and the beauty of nature!
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

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a beautiful, bittersweet and overwhelmingly real story. i feel like everyone can find a little bit of themselves in this piece, no matter how big or small. i loved it, and i really couldn’t put it down - every time i talked to someone about it i kept saying “it’s so sad but it’s so good!”
Good Wives by Louisa May Alcott

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a beautiful follow up to the beloved story Little Women! i couldn’t put it down! i love that everyone finds their own piece of happiness - but it is also realistic in the sense that life is not all sunshine, when Beth passes. i feel like her death is monumental in the story in a beautiful and sad way, and yet it is her own happy ending when nothing else could be done. such a beautiful story!
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

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this story has been an inspiration to my mother and i and it’s just one of the loveliest books i’ve ever read. it tells of joy, sorrow, grief, love, heartbreak, loss, and in the end, you have to get back up and persevere, just like francie nolan. what a good book.