fairyhill's reviews
208 reviews

The Last Book on the Left: Stories of Murder and Mayhem from History's Most Notorious Serial Killers by Ben Kissel, Marcus Parks, Henry Zebrowski

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I picked this book up because I’ve listened to one or two Last Pod episodes before and this book was recommended to me on the homepage of my audiobook app so I was like well why not? This book is entertaining but only so long as you’re able to divorce the subject matter from the knowledge that these are all real things that happened; while I’m not one to judge anyone for an interest in crime nonfiction, I found the constant jokes in this volume to be tasteless at best and downright disrespectful at worst. I know Last Pod is made to be a comedy show, but this just wasn’t my cup of tea. 
Cult X by Fuminori Nakamura

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
put up with the weird misogyny for the sake of the cool philosophy but had to call it quits at the first rape scene of what i hear is many
Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story by Julie K. Brown

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Incredibly well-researched (though that's a given, given who's writing the book), empathetic towards the victims and unforgiving towards Epstein.
The Dolls by Ursula Scavenius

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Bizarre, slippery, absurdist, masterful. I couldn’t explain to you the plot of a single story but the themes and writing style render them compelling nonetheless.
The Death I Gave Him by Em X. Liu

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 56%.
words cannot explain how boring this was