fathimaroshni's reviews
104 reviews

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

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I read Pride and Prejudice for the first time in seventh grade and remember getting so fuzzy and cozy with the plot. I made my cousin name her cat, Darcy, after this book: so it's evident how much I adore this little story. Best re-read ever and will read again sooner.
The Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk

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I love the storytelling mastery of Pamuk. But I doubt this book is his prime. The plot was nice, but I hated almost every single character except for Kemel's driver Cetin Effendi. After a certain point, description on Kemel's obsessive love towards Füsun gets so repetitive. Pretty positive the novel could be condensed into 400 pages.  
Farewell Song by Rabindranath Tagore

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I had read several reviews of this work. Several lines and poems in this book captured my heart immediately; especially, the one where Labanya talks about how Mumtaz had to die to let Shahjahan's dream come true. I don't know why but I was drawn to Yogamaya and Labanya more than Amit <3
Mild Vertigo by Mieko Kanai

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I liked it but not as much as I thought I would. 
Orikkal by N. Mohanan

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I love the poems. Their conversation is so fucking artistic. but the plot is bleh. 
Fool Me Twice by Nona Uppal

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Aaaghhhh!! What can I say! 
I have missed reading Indian romances and this book is just the cherry on top. So fucking good to be someone's debut novel. The story is cute, writing is magnificent and the book cover is fire. Need more romance fiction from this author asap.
Khasakkinte Ithihasam by O. V. Vijayan

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fell in love with malayalam literature again
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera

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I love the concept. But at some point it was too much philosophical for me.