fischers_reads's reviews
752 reviews

Inside Out by Demi Moore

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challenging dark emotional informative sad fast-paced


I was browsing through nonfiction books came across this one. I only knew of a few films that Demi Moore starred in and I knew she was married to Bruce Willis and later married Ashton Kutcher. I knew nothing else. I had no idea I would be able to relate to her so much during her childhood years. Her upbringing could have easily been mine had my mom went down the same route as Demi’s mom and in some ways she did. I wanted to reach through the book and hung Demi so many times. Her childhood was rough! Most of the book is about her childhood and what she went through and then her getting into show business. I found her relationship with Bruce and then with Ashton very insightful. I know it’s only one side of the relationships but I felt like she was very raw and took ownership in her own faults as to why the relationships didn’t work out. Demi struggled with addiction which is another thing I didn’t know much about. Seeing her fight that battle was very eye opening and even fighting with herself over her body image. At one point in the book she mentioned how she put everyone else before her and tried to be the opposite of her mom and I felt that so much.  This book was a lot! Demi is so strong and it was very brave of her to talk about her life from start until the age of 55. I hope her life is brighter from here on out, she deserves it 🫶
Fate at Fault by Andi Simmons

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This novella started out promising but the more it went on the more I really didn’t care for Stacy. She was a bit boring. I understand she was with a man WAY older than her and wasn’t getting the attention she needed but she was so damn bland. I would say it’s because she lost her husband but honestly she didn’t seem like she gave two shits about him. Nina and Marcus were so much fun and then there was Stacy. The spicy scenes were definitely hot and I’m pretty sure they are the only reason I finished this novella. Well that and the fact that is pretty short and I was already committed to finishing it. 
Stuffed by Sylvia Morrow

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Hmmmmmm… that was… something. The fact a pillow is that obsessed with their person, a human man could never. 🤣 WTF did I just read? It was good but I did get a little bored. It’s a super quick read and it was interesting that she helped build his cock. Like she got to pick the size she wanted any everything. If only that was a real thing hahaha the way he came had me dying laughing. It was a fun time. 
Rake by Nicole Parker

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I’m so easy to please when it comes to novellas like this. If I’m entertained and love the characters then normally it’s an instant 5⭐️. This one was such a good time and the ending was cute. It’s only 35 pages but I thought the story flowed nicely. What can I say other then I love rake smut 😉
The Time of My Life by Patrick Swayze

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I’ve been a Patrick Swayze fan since I was a young girl. I remember watching “Dirty Dancing” at an age I had no bother doing so. My Barbie’s would reenact the final dance scene constantly. When the world lost Patrick they lost one of the best actors in the business, in my opinion. Reading this book completely solidified my feelings on that. This man was badass!!! Patrick and Lisa were married for 33 years and their love was beautiful. It’s mentioned in the book that they struggled with their marriage and almost ended things but chose to keep fighting. People these days are so quick to end their relationships and it makes me sad. Marriage isn’t a joke. Those vows you say at the alter need to be in the front of your mind at all times. Will you screw up? Yes. Will you two argue and have your differences? Most likely. But you should never just walk away without at least trying and BOTH people need to try. Patrick & Lisa’s marriage is one for the books. I’m so happy I read this book! 
Bagged by the Groceries! by Fannie Tucker

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I’m not a fan of how the author had a “preview” in the beginning and then just had those parts word for word in the actual story so I had to read it twice. I really hoped this would be a fun read but honestly it was boring and grossed me out. Carrots for fingers? Yogurt? 🤢 the phrase I hate the most in books is “a pregnant pause” so when I read “a kiss pregnant with hunger” it INSTANTLY got added to the list of phrases I hate. Yeah, unfortunately this was a big huge no from me. I mean I knew I wouldn’t think groceries were hot and now I know even if they are shaped like a man, it’s still a big hell no from me. 
Jack by Layla Fae

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He tastes like Halloween which means he tastes like Pumpkin Spice 🔥 this was a fun read. The writing was definitely not my favorite. The way the story was told made me feel very disconnected. It’s literally a novella about a witch screwing a pumpkin headed man. That’s it. 
The One Month Boyfriend by Roxie Noir

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Silas and Kat do not like each other. I could feel the dislike through the book. Silas tells his boss he has a girlfriend, when he doesn’t. Kat just so happens to tell her ex Evan that she is dating Silas. It turns into a fake dating situation real quick and I absolutely loved them together. Silas and the ex do not get along so it was a fun time seeing Silas & Kat make him jealous. I loved everything about this book except that it’s entirely too long. The storyline was super entertaining and the humor was great. The steamy scenes were written super well. I had a great time reading it! I added the next book to my TBR. 
Mating with Mallows: An Erotic Sentient Candy Romance by Nora Noodle

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funny fast-paced


There wasn’t just one, there was two. One was pink and one was blue. Did I just become Dr Seuss? I sure as shit did. 🤣 This novella was such a great time. I was fully expecting the writing to be mediocre. Not only was the writing really well done but the storyline was pretty deep (pun intended 😉). I laughed so hard and enjoyed every single second of this short novella. I didn’t want it to end. I also have a lavender marshmallow candle going that really set the vibe. Do yourself a favor and read this! It’s on KU. Enjoy!!
My Side Of Love by S. Huntleigh

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If you’re in the mood for a spicy romcom, read this! I want to start this off by saying it’s so refreshing to read a book where the man knows exactly what he wants and isn’t afraid to go for it. The nicknames they have for each other were so cute! Andy’s character made me so happy and I loved him throughout the whole book. The patience this man had for the FMC was top tier. If that were me I would have bolted 🤣 Amber is super indecisive and isn’t sure she wants a relationship. I have to be honest and say I didn’t like Amber at all 🙈 I wish she would have just talked to him about her fears instead of being the way she was. Towards the end Amber does score some points but I still wasn’t her biggest fan. Now the humor in this one was really good! I LOVED that Louie made multiple appearances in this book. He was the star of book one so seeing him in this one made my heart so happy. When it comes to the spice I felt like there was too much of it 🙈 don’t come at me, I know people love it. I just felt like many of those scenes were so abrupt and happened randomly and it felt forced at times. At the same time this is labeled as a SPICY romcom so it’s to be expected. Even though I felt like there were too many of those scenes I did think they were super hot and well written. The mention of anxiety and panic attacks made me feel seen. As that scene was playing out I knew exactly what was happening to that character. All in all this was a good spicy romcom! I can’t wait to read whatever S Huntleigh releases into the wild next!!!