fischers_reads's reviews
753 reviews

My Side Of Love by S. Huntleigh

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If you’re in the mood for a spicy romcom, read this! I want to start this off by saying it’s so refreshing to read a book where the man knows exactly what he wants and isn’t afraid to go for it. The nicknames they have for each other were so cute! Andy’s character made me so happy and I loved him throughout the whole book. The patience this man had for the FMC was top tier. If that were me I would have bolted 🤣 Amber is super indecisive and isn’t sure she wants a relationship. I have to be honest and say I didn’t like Amber at all 🙈 I wish she would have just talked to him about her fears instead of being the way she was. Towards the end Amber does score some points but I still wasn’t her biggest fan. Now the humor in this one was really good! I LOVED that Louie made multiple appearances in this book. He was the star of book one so seeing him in this one made my heart so happy. When it comes to the spice I felt like there was too much of it 🙈 don’t come at me, I know people love it. I just felt like many of those scenes were so abrupt and happened randomly and it felt forced at times. At the same time this is labeled as a SPICY romcom so it’s to be expected. Even though I felt like there were too many of those scenes I did think they were super hot and well written. The mention of anxiety and panic attacks made me feel seen. As that scene was playing out I knew exactly what was happening to that character. All in all this was a good spicy romcom! I can’t wait to read whatever S Huntleigh releases into the wild next!!! 
Sticks and Stones by S. Massery, S.J. Sylvis

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I was on the hunt for a bully romance and someone mentioned this one. I’m almost always in the mood for Hockey so I decided to start this one. I was OBSESSED with the first half of this book. It’s starts out in the past when Wren was a foster kid and she ended up living with Evan and his family. Don’t get too excited this isn’t a foster sibling romance, this is a foster brother’s best friend romance. The shit these two put each other through is wild. The moment things start to change and that first “baby” gets dropped I was a puddle on the damn floor. Stone goes from holding a grudge and “hating” Wren to being her protector and making sure she stays out of harms way. Stone isn’t the only one protective over her, everyone in the house is and it’s so freaking sweet 🥹There is drama outside their relationship having to do with her father and it got a little ridiculous. At one point the math just wasn’t mathing and I got bored. I’m always a fan of them BEFORE they get together because of the angst and tension. Then once they get together it’s whatever. Stone was in Wren’s pants the whole second half of the book and it just got to be so excessive. Don’t get me wrong Stone is super hot, I just felt like their relationship was just sex and him telling her what to do and what not to do. If you’re wanting a lighter bully romance I would still say pick this one up. It does have a few TW so make sure if you need those you look into them before starting. 
Miss You Never by B. Sobjakken

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I NEVER know what to expect when I dive into a new release from B Sobjakken. I almost don’t want to know anything about the novella and just go in as blind as possible. This book is FILTHY and so damn good! I love me a good revenge story and this one is unlike any I’ve ever read. I absolutely hated Jared and Jenica definitely was able to get under his skin and at the same time under his friends 👏🏻👏🏻 she had a damn good time doing it, too 😅 those scenes were 10/10. Now I’m waiting for my husband to read it so we can compare notes 😉
Older by Jennifer Hartmann

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Man I really wanted to binge this book in one sitting. Sadly it took me a little over a week to read it. Halley’s story was so heartbreaking and it was super depressing to read about. Being that I’m a mood reader I only picked it up when I felt like being sad. Reed’s character was hard to read (see what I did there 🤣) throughout the whole book. He was the most wishy washy MMC ever. I also didn’t start believing that he loved her until about 42% in. The feelings just felt very flat to me and almost like he was just there to fuck with her emotions. I also didn’t feel like he read like he was a man in his 30’s. If it didn’t keep getting brought up I would have forgotten entirely. The back and forth was exhausting. He would touch her face and then step back and be like “no, I can’t”. Then he would give her a long hug and then step back and he like “we can’t” fuuuuuuck dude just do something already, damn. He just kept breaking her damn heart over and over again. I’ve never hated a fictional man so much in my life!!! One in particular scene made me realize I will never love him no matter what he does in the future and I was right. I’m not going to lie, I totally hate read the last half of this book. I was interested enough to know how it all played out, but I was so close to DNF’ing it. It was too long, the middle was boring and I didn’t feel their chemistry at all. There were parts of the story that I did enjoyed and I absolutely loved the ending (especially the last line) but all in all I just didn’t like it. However, I will continue to read Jennifer Hartmann’s books, this one just wasn’t for me. 
Late Nights by Larissa Hommes

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Late Nights is book 2 of the Love At Night series and it’s Cannon’s story. We meet Cannon in Up All Night (book 1) and I liked him more than I did the MMC. When Larissa announced that Cannon’s story was book 2 I already couldn’t wait. West & Cannon are roommates and West is dating Halle. West’s sister Demi shows up needing a place to stay and West of course offers up his room since he stays with his girlfriend most of the time anyways. It’s the typical cute, forbidden story of the best friend falling for the little sister but done in Larissa’s fun style. The banter is always so good in her books. I’m always worried that when I love a character in one book and they get their own book that I won’t love them as much anymore. Larissa took the same Cannon from book one and just elaborated more on his story and background and I appreciated that so much. Not only did she do it well but she made me love him even more. Cannon thinks he’s broken and seeing everyone convince him otherwise really warmed my heart. Demi & Cannon have so much sexual tension between them and although this is a clean romance I could definitely feel their chemistry and how much they wanted each other. My face hurt so much from smiling! The flirting 10/10, the sexual tension 10/10, their friendship 10/10!!!! I can’t wait for Kate & Jax story. 
The Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People by Judith Orloff

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I’ve never been seen so much in my life! Growing up I was always told I was “too sensitive” or that I needed to not let things affect me like they do. The beginning of this book I highlighted so much. Towards the end I didn’t feel like I connected to being those type of empaths. Regardless, I enjoyed this book and I felt like the author explained things perfectly!I’m 
The Stranger by Kiersten Modglin

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The authors books are hit or miss for me. This one unfortunately was a miss. I found it very lackluster and not jaw dropping at all. I feel like the storyline could have easily left me with my mouth agape but it missed the mark. The MCs weren’t likable at all and the twist was blah. It’s a quick audiobook (5-ish hours), so listen for yourself. I just wasn’t a fan. 
4th Degree by Nikki Castle

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Every time a new book releases from The Fight Game series I always get so giddy and excited because I know it will be so good. The very first gym scene makes me feel like I’m home. Every couple is great but Coach & Skylar are EVERYTHING. PERIOD. I felt every single emotion these two felt and had tightness in my chest because there was so much tension 10/10. When that happens I know the story/characters are checking all my boxes and this book went above and beyond that. At one point the tension was so intense I was sure I stopped breathing. Nikki knows what she’s doing and she’s damn good at it. Skylar is 19 and Coach is 36, I personally love that age gap. It left room for drama and issues to arise but was of legal age. It was so fun to see everyone at the gym from past books and it made me want to start the series over again 🤣 that hardly ever happens. I also appreciated that it was more slow burn. You get to see them struggle to not take it too far and that made the tension that much better 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻I’m going to go ahead and say that this is my favorite series of all time!!!
Always Isn't Forever by J.C. Cervantes

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When I read that this is about a boy who dies and comes back in another body to be with the girl he loves, I knew I needed to read it. I was a little hesitant because it is YA but trust me it doesn’t matter. The storyline is that good! One of my favorite shows ever is Ghost Whisperer, something similar happens in that show but in a different way and I loved it just the same. I didn’t read the whole synopsis so I’m not sure what it all says. I won’t go into detail so it doesn’t spoil anything. I initially started reading it on my kindle but I found the audiobook on Spotify and it was included in my premium subscription so I switched to that. The audiobook was perfect, there are multiple POVs but it’s super easy to follow. I felt all the feels while reading this one and at one point I was crying. I know this is fiction but I always said if something happens to my husband he better come back to me and make me fall in love with him again. The storyline makes you feel that nothing can stand in the way of love and I’ll forever stay in my fantasy world and believe it. Everything about this plot is so captivating. I know it’s something that could never happen, I just loved feeling like it could while reading this book. It gave me the same feelings as You’ve reached Sam by Dustin Thao. Hart Augusto and Ruby Armenta will always have my heart🫶
Hide Away With You by Judy Corry

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We met Addie in The Confession which is book 5 of Eden Falls Academy and her story intrigued me so I’m very happy her story got its own book. 

I am a girl who loves text and emails in my books. I have another one to add, journal entries. I loved them and it gave us a glimpse from the beginning of when Addie & Evan met. This book does go from past to present but in a very unique way that gives us an insight into his thoughts without him actually being there in the beginning. I’m so happy we had those entries. I felt so many emotions while reading them and felt like we got to see how their relationship unfolded without living through it with them. Normally I need to live through it with the characters to fully connect, but in this case it wasn’t needed. Those entries were enough. I’m a reader who reads pretty much all romances from clean to down right filthy and this storyline left so much room to go towards the dirty side. Judy made it sexy without going all the way so it’s more fade to black. I really liked Addie’s character but when it came to Evan and his journal entries he sounded super young. Then at about the 45% mark his words were older, if that makes sense. I was however angry with Evan for most of the book. In my mind there is zero excuse for what he did and the way he did it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I always tend to fall in love with a side character. I absolutely LOVE Ian so much. The way he was with Addy was so sweet even if they were just friends. Did I secretly want the plot to go a different way? Yes, yes I did. 🤣 It’s that forbidden reader in me, can’t stop… won’t stop… 🤣 The storyline of this book is WILD and had my brain going the last half of the book. I would think it was going a certain direction and it would go a complete different way. I love that! I REALLY hope Ian gets a book 🤞🏻🤞🏻