frdose's reviews
237 reviews

The Art Thief by Michael Finkel

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Similar to 'the art thief' i am also obsessed with a piece of art and it is this book. This book has made me realize that nonfiction doesn't have to be long, tedious, and boring. It can be concise and make you emotionally invested in the story. I also loved the author's note at the end mentioning how he interviewed Breitweiser and several other people important to the story, it made it feel more genuine and accurate.
Penance by Eliza Clark

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this book really expresses the teenage horror of not wanting to seem 'cringe'.  

such an interesting read, i went in thinking it was a thriller for some reason so i was slightly dissappointed when i realized it was more literary. clark did such a good job at writing these characters, and describing the internet hell hole of tumblr and true crime. it felt like i was diving deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole, slowly descending through the iceberg of serial killer fanfic, creepypasta, and disturbing sims mods(??). truly horrifying, incredible.
Mr. Fox by Helen Oyeyemi

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i could not tell you a single thing that happened in this book.
Henry Hamlet's Heart by Rhiannon Wilde

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cute. can’t say i don’t appreciate the twilight references. 
The Crown by Kiera Cass

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i got my erik endgame so im happy. 
The Heir by Kiera Cass

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read this in one sitting, it felt so short. it think she's gonna end up with kile which is a shame because i like erik and also because that's an unfortunate name.
Top Secret by Elle Kennedy, Sarina Bowen

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read in one sitting, so much fun. this + beyoncé self titled album is the horniest combination 
The Marble Queen by Anna Kopp

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had a lot of potential :(