ggraham0317's reviews
354 reviews

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

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I actually felt sick to my stomach because how could you be with someone you see kill so many people because of his pride. obv. was gay and also fitting the person i’m dating gave me her copy to borrow on our second date
Ursula K. Le Guin: Collected Poems by Ursula K. Le Guin

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I felt the tears welling inside of me so frequently, I normally am not a fan majorly of poetry minus mary oliver but this was different. Her words captured my spirituality, segments of my consciousness. Hearing her describe parts of Oregon, that I love and loved independently knowing that she too loved them and could describe them in words that encapsulated all the awe and tranquility that I would never be able to conjure. The fact that we may have grieved after the same woman on 23rd street, the fact I almost knew exactly who she was talking about, I was reading excerpts aloud to my dad, i pulled it out on a date, i kept on putting this down because i wanted to savor it, to do her words justice by reading them when i was in the right headspace. This may become my bible where i carry this novel around with me wherever i go 
The Apple in the Dark by Clarice Lispector

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copy and pasted from my conscious.  i cried victoria is who i worry i’ll become. cried because i’m losing the optimism and excitement i had about life and i’m avoiding living life because of that lack of love and joy and that feeling of my life being inherently meaningless without others to love and love me 
Trilogy by May-Brit Akerholt, Jon Fosse

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anyone who tells me i have run on sentences has obviously never read this book 
Ripe by Sarah Rose Etter

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well that was too relatable and depressing
Other Worlds: Peasants, Pilgrims, Spirits, Saints by Teffi

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hit or miss loved some couldn’t get through others
Mating by Norman Rush

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too intellectual i mean i so got the romance of the relationship but reminds me of egotistical ppl who look down on ppl who they see as lesser than or not smart enough