girlnouns's reviews
189 reviews

When I Stop Talking, You'll Know I'm Dead: Useful Stories from a Persuasive Man by George Clooney, Jerry Weintraub, Rich Cohen

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This is more so about Jerry's own life/that time period and I disagree about the "Useful" part in the title. I think the last paragraph of the book gives decent advice but overall unlike Goggins or Banyan, there's no great challenge that he faced and overcame due to his ability or some certain action. Weintraub admits it himself, he got his start due to his luck with mentors picking him (a big one his wife) and the mentor's bringing him up despite him lacking ability. Overall the main message I took away is to fail better.
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

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I love this book! Carnegies advice on how to have better conversations and to develop a genuine interest in everyone is great at its core. His examples at the beginning of the book were tedious at times, but definitely leagues better than Jocko's in Extreme Ownership imo. Overall a must read on leadership and social interactions.
(I think after a second read my review will
change to five stars)
A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

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Hilarious and exciting. I wish I could connect more to the aspects of Rock/Punk in this book, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. Egan's description of "folding love in half and half again..." stuck with me after a few weeks of finishing it. Definitely on the re read stack
No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai

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Dark and funny at times. Dazai describes the cycle of depression and isolation perfectly.
Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima

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I was introduced to Yuki Mishima through his short story, Patriotism, which I absolutely loved. While this book started strong and then fell off towards the end for me, the topic was really fascinating
Speedboat by Renata Adler

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This book is hilarious and witty 5/5
Coffee: A Global History by Jonathan Morris

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Solid book on coffee but very brief. My favorite part was about third wave/specialty coffee and the different intricacies about direct vs. fair trade coffee.
A Concise History of Japan by Brett L. Walker

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Optional read for class, it was a concise History of Japan.
Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World by Mark Pendergrast

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Read all of the second half of the book, gave really cool insights on coffee advertising and the United States' relationship to coffee. I thought the developments about ethical coffee in this book is very relevant today and would love to research more about how the coffee industry has hopefully improved in the past decade.
The World Atlas of Coffee: From Beans to Brewing by James Hoffmann

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Really concise book about coffee with great visuals and insights into different coffee regions.