hashoun's reviews
31 reviews

Sulwe by Lupita Nyong'o

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colorism already plagues the mind of people today and i’m glad a book like this was made that won’t allow it to plague the people of tomorrow, such a good and cute book, Sulwe is too cute!

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lighthearted fast-paced


definition of a dated book. the offensive cultural themes and jokes completely ruined the immersion for me at times and just made me sigh and roll my eyes as i scroll past it hoping it’s not on the next chapter. seriously could have had amazing trans rep not only for trans women but men as well when the trans male character came in at the end. unfortunately this manga was stopped on short notice but we can at least be happy with how it ended and hopeful with how the relationship between the MC and Hibari might have bloomed. Seriously was gearing up to be one of my favorite mangas so many genuinely funny, heartfelt, sad, and happy moments all ruined by uncomfortable jokes that could’ve been left out.

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Blue Flag, Vol. 1 by Kaito

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very cute but boring beginning, sets the stage for friendship perfectly but had i not gone into it knowing it would be gay i would’ve probably dnf’d. we’re introduced to the characters and given little background on them, i think it sets the stage perfectly for the emotional layers and depth to the characters that will come later on, for now though they are relatively flat with Touma being the only one that stand out for, reasons
青のフラッグ 2 by Kaito

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this volume serves as more of a plot progression, the relationships between the characters grow of course but i woukd argue this sets the emotional stage for volumes after this, in this volume we see Taichis childhood explored a little more and what some of his motivations are. we also notice a connecting growing closer between Taichi and Touma which only adds to my point that this is later explored in volume 3 but yea. still a good volume, nothing wrong w plot progression arcs!!
Blue Flag, Vol. 3 by Kaito

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truly where the emotional factor starts to weigh in. emotions and motivations are and expressed as we begin to see the weight of the problems our characters are facing start to take effect on them. background is also given regarding the relationship with Touma and his family showing a parallel with his sort of sad up bringing and his current personality. the emotional factors of this and his hidden feelings are shown in his desires to be free and away from the ones he feels that are keeping him down even if it means missing college. hiding it as best he can from everyone else Tai gets to see his true feelings and the book hints at a climax coming regarding Touma’s feelings for Tai in the quiet moments they are able to have together, an otherwise ideal place to share something so personal, unfortunately, as we see in later chapters this isn’t granted. a chapter that perfectly expresses family drama, trauma, growing feelings, hidden desires, and inevitable change coming soon.
青のフラッグ 5 by Kaito

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how can i even talk about this volume…….. sooooooooo many heartbreaking yet amazing moments in this volume i just don’t think i can do it justice by talking abt it. u of course should read the entire thing but THIS chapter my god, changed my life actually. so so so goo, MAMI U WILL ALWAYS BE LOVED BY ME. absolutely love this and is part of the reason i recommend this to people, amazing volume truly one of the best i’ve ever read.
青のフラッグ 4 by Kaito

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fell to my knees at the end of this chapter, such raw emotions leading up to it my heart was heavy and my mind was done. the spirit of god himself was the only thing that kept me reading. cried for so long when we got to what happened in the next volume but i could already guess and the tears were ready to come down. touma, my bae, my love, U WILL ALWAYS BE LOVED BY ME
青のフラッグ 6 by Kaito

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nothing has hurt me like this. what was expressed in confidence and love was immediately met with aggressiveness and disgust. i like how it showed the reality of queerness, ideas of who a person once was completely change once the added factor of who they like comes into play. it’s abrupt and heartbreaking the way Toumas feelings are revealed and so quickly belittled, his confession makes it all the more sadder as a part of him accepts that he might not even be able to have Taichi even if it’s who he’s wanted all he’s life, the persons love he yearned for the most had to find out from whispers in his ear and what seemed to be a goodbye. i was crying like a baby like oh my god.
青のフラッグ 8 by Kaito

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oh i was a wreck, i couldn’t move, nothing but tears like girl i was RUINED. seeing queerness able to thrive even in environments where it’s looks at disgustingly always brings a tear to my eye just thinking about the resiliency of queerness and how love truly trumps all other emotions. we see our characters happy and healed with their lives at points of joy, though it may seem abrupt and like bad writing i think it shows the reality of life perfectly. life moves fast and though choices may seem stupid to others what you choose for yourself and your happiness ultimately is what matters and i was so happy to see that expressed here. yea i don’t think i’ll ever be able to let this series go, have tears in my eyes thinking abt it now like omg, i love this book so much truly such a core part of me. TAICHI, TOUMA, KUZE, AND ITACHI U WILL ALWAYS BE LOVED
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

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read in class. while i can’t speak on the anti-communist sentiments as i don’t know enough abt it the way in which the horrors of the Taliban are described are heartbreaking. this book has excellent writing and explores the emotional and psychological development of its characters brilliantly. i just wish America wasn’t look at as this place of refuge as it was the one who ultimately lead to Afghans detriment and while criticisms of America are discussed in the book i feel as if the overall picture is that America is this good place to go. i may be projecting my feelings towards the US on this book though so i’ll give it a pass, anyways this writer is great and the book is good but do we really need rape as a plot point?