hayjp8's reviews
135 reviews

On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden

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5/5 stars
I really loved this graphic novel! The art was so pretty and the two storylines worked together so well. The cast of characters were all great and the plot was really interesting. It got me so invested and kept me hooked with all the mysteries slowly making sense. Some parts made me so sad but I was really happy with the ending!
Bloom by Kevin Panetta

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4/5 stars
Very cute! I really loved the art style.
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang

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4.5/5 stars
This graphic novel was so cute!! I loved all the dress designs and the art style in general. The plot was also really great and I loved the ending.
Stay Gold by Tobly McSmith

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2/5 stars
Feeling conflicted about this one! It was an interesting story, and I was surprised it kept me captivated enough to finish it in a day. But I had issues with some parts of it. The writing style just really wasn’t for me (the trying very hard to be teen-y aspects). And the way they handled some of the serious topics seemed....not great. Many other reviews go into it really well but overall, not a favourite but not a bad book!
edit: I read a bunch of reviews by trans readers and a lot of them were not happy with the way trans people are represented in this book, so I lowered my rating.