heartscomma's reviews
64 reviews

Breasts and Eggs by Mieko Kawakami

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I have really mixed feelings about this one. book one is solid for me—the characters, their personalities, the writing, and how it wrapped up. however, book two is a bit eh.

while I really like the narrations regarding women and their life, women and their trauma, women in general, at some point, one paragraph will take up an entire page without any clear reason on why it is written. probably explains why I finished book 1 in a few days yet once I started reading book 2 I got into a month slump

but look, Mieko Kawakami depicts how vastly different women's opinion in one topic nicely. thoughts that I couldn't put into words, she could put into words, so I can't say that I didn't enjoy this book—and her writing is very lovely at times. some other times... well... 
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

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warning! Howl isn't quite much of a gentleman in the book. anyways—

I founf the book more whimsical than magical as it is in the movie. it's a bit different too compared, as mentioned by the author in the last few pages. personalities of the characters seemingly makes more sense—snappy old Sophie is the eldest sister of three, dramatic Howl is a narcissist, in a way, and Calcifer is a fire demon that the illustrations depict him as an old man, which makes sense on how whiny he is. 

I love the storytellig behind the falling stars and how
Calcifer was one
. an intriguing bit of the story and makes me want to watch the movie with that new anecdote in mind.

a light read, overall! I think I'll be rewatching Howl's Moving Castle (yet again) tonight!
Motherhood by Kanae Minato

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just finished review: took me a while to finish this.. but wow..
Pulang by Leila S. Chudori

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just finished review: what the heck
Imprisonment by Rikako Akiyoshi

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just finished review: SHE NEVER MISSES
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong

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just finished review: is anyone feeling empty right now or is it just me
Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead by Emily Austin

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just finished review: how does emily austin write so engagingly for a narration so depressive that it got me finishing the book in one sitting
The Anatomy of Being by Shinji Moon

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just finished review: the moment I wanted a physical copy is the exact time I knew I've fallen hard in love