hellhoundharry's reviews
290 reviews

The Origin of Species: 150th Anniversary Edition by Charles Darwin

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As someone who is not that well-equainted with biology (especially evolutionary biology), this was a very interesting read. Lots of the stuff in here I already knew from biology class in high school, but it was still an interesting read. For example the concept of Natural Selection and how that works was something I was taught in school.
I only wished this edition would've included some illustrations. There are some chapters where Darwin talks about some anatomical differences between various kinds of birds. It would've helped to actually see an image of those birds he was referring to and where excactly the differences lay.

I am under the impression that if you're interested in evolutionary biology, this really isn't the best book for you. Simply because science has marched on since the days of Darwin. There is for example no mentioning of DNA and molecular biology.
However, I approached this as a historical document. True or false, outdated or not, one would be a fool to say that Darwins book didn't have an impact on mankind.